Anyway here's my working out/thought process. Some one might be able to see what's going on.
To find
![](\bg_white p_m)
we will find the amount of ways we can have a string of 'n' heads after exactly 'm' throws, then divide by the total amount of possibilities.
Now the total amount of possibilities is just
![](\bg_white 2^m)
as there are 'm' throws, two outcomes.
Now for the other bit. The last n+1 throws must be T, H, H, ..., H, H to have a run of 'n' heads after 'm' throws. So this can only happen in one way, and thus we only need to find the amount of ways to arrange the first m-n-1 throws without having a string of 'n' heads.
To do this, we will find the amount of possibilities where we do have a string of 'n' heads, and subtract this from the total ways of arranging the first m-n-1 throws.
So assume we have a run of 'n' heads, and call this element A. Now we have to arrange the element A amongst m-2n-1 throws. Element A can be placed in (m-2n) positions, and the rest of the throws have two possibilities each - T or H. So we end up with the total ways being:
The logic behind this is that it also contains the cases where we have a string of 'n+k' heads as we have a minimum of 'n' heads, and by "randomising" the remaining throws, it is possible for us to end up with a larger string of heads.
So the total ways where we don't get a string of 'n' heads is:
Dividing this by the total ways gives:
After some simplifying:
![](\bg_white p_m = \frac{2^n+2n-m}{2^{2n+1}})