please do not re pack the bag of groceries when i pack it neatly and as much as i can
please do not ask for another plastic bag for one food item such as the 2L milk oe the 2L coke , ill double the bag for you to make you satisfied
please do not tell me how to pack the bags
please do not ask me the time i finish, you dont need to know
please do not ask me if we sell smokes at our registers when clearly there is a sign that outlines that smokes can be purchased from our smokeshop because of age restriction laws on under 18's working on regisgters
please dont put the 30 cans of coke or the water or cat litter on the conveyot belt, we have it on our touch screen system, to make life easier for you to not lift heavy products on the conveyor belt
please dont get pissed when im working in smokeshop and i ask for your id if i can tell you look younger than 18, i have to do this for store policy and age restrictions
please do not make your child cry at the registers. if they want something no matter what price if its chocolate or a lollipop or some small toy or magazine let them have it so they can be happy and not cause you stress while your at the checkouts
please do not come to me when im on my break to ask me where are the 10kg potatoes. I dont woork in the produce department. I dont know what you mean cos i dont know where all the produce items are located
please do come to my register when i come back from my break or service 3 when your just standing there leaning on your trolley, day dreaming when i can serve you alot quicker and you can leave our store much happier
please do not whinge about how much i pack groceries in your plastic bags, our store policy is to pack the bags properly and pack as much as we can. if you tell me to put something in another bag because you think its too heavy ill do it but in anger and frustration or in a calm manner to make you happy and come back to our store be continued