erin_tonkin said:
i have been involved in ministry and heard amazng stories of miracles
a man who went to Africa but couldnt speak the language just walked into the church and started preaching the gospel in their language
a locked door to protect christian children in a terrorist in Pakkistan
A young girl killed in the collombine massacres diaries been found and providing inspiration to so manny
answered prayer to illness in my team members whilst bible teaching.
rain when it is prayed for
the list really is endless
1. Please provide evidence of this.
2. A door was locked? OGM this is truly the work of God!
3. A girl wrote a diary. She then died, and they found it. How is that the work of God?
4. A lot of people tend to overcome illnesses on their own. Also on a tangent I'll give you an argument:
1. God is infallible
2. The reasons bad things happen despite prayer is because it is God's will
3. Hence bad things will happen if they are God's will, regardless of prayer because he is infallible, and good things will happen in a similar way.
C. Prayer is useless.