haha at my old store a new deli boy left the chicken bay on all night, then when the manager got there in the morning the shop had filled with smoke and the fire brigade was called etc.
but the fire alarms didn't go off! apparently they only have heat detectors near the deli, and the smoke didn't trigger them. dodgy.
This wierd thing happened the other day when this man came in wanting to refund a telstra starter kit, and he had a receipt which he said proved that it was refunded in neutral bay sydney, our highest turnover store, he was at pains to point out me. i said no then he demanded to speak to the manager, who sent him on his way really quickly, but i'm pretty sure the receipt had 'operator cancelled' on it, which means the sup. at neutral bay half did it then realised they weren't allowed and he was trying to use the receipt to trick us here, but they the fuck would neutral bay give him the receipt of a cancelled transaction and why the hell would he buy and then refund TWO starter kids (his was still sealed).
he was probably the rudest customer i have ever come across, also.