The Woolworths Thread (4 Viewers)


Jan 8, 2009
What program did you use to draw your store?
I used Adobe Flash and Illustrator Education Copy on my Macbook Pro :cool:

^babikakez: FML indeed! poor, what reason did your CSM provide to backup his/her opinion that you're not "suited" to supervision?
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Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
I used Adobe Flash and Illustrator Education Copy on my Macbook Pro :cool:

^babikakez: FML indeed! poor, what reason did your CSM provide to backup his/her opinion that you're not "suited" to supervision?
She didn't, other than that I'm really shy and stress a lot. Its not that she's about to get rid of me or anything, it was more to defend this weeks roster (which I never had an issue with anyway??).
Our main weekend/nights supervisor is on holidays, and a few weeks ago if I could have some of those hours just so that I could get a little more confident, particularly with thursdays. She said yes, no problem, but they went to someone else. I didn't have a problem with this, but I think my CSM just wanted to clarify her reasons, hence that conversation. Ultimately though, if it was up to her I would never have been supervisor trained. It just pisses me off that every single thing you do right, no one is there to notice, and the first thing that you do wrong, about ten managers are there to see it.

Overall, I was just in such a lousy mood yesterday that I took everything personally. Not a big deal, fairly sure every single manager has told me I'm crap at my job (except tickets and spot checks - pretty much the only things I do well) but at the end of the day no one else is going to step up and do a better one.


Mar 9, 2009
My store is getting a new CSM. My current CSM is stepping down as CSM to a normal operator as us. She wont even be allowed to be a supervisor. Apparantly were getting a new CSM from glenwood. We dont know what to expect in relation to the hours we are going to get with him in control of the rostering or if he will make a certain number of us casuals permanent/part-time. I wonder what its like to have a male CSM for a change. So hopefully our new CSM will bring positive change to our store and give us good hours instead of less hours per week. Im looking forward to finding out how he will manage a service team from a diferent store. Im so nervous for when he comes to take in charge.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
What does the eco ambassador do exactly? We have about 5.

I had a crap night, but thats a combination of a) don't get 'involved' with other staff (iykwim), and b) my csm being brutally honest about what she thinks of me.

What does the thing in bold mean? But you seem to have a fairly full roster, surely they wouldn't give you so many hours if you're totes shit?

I also know what you mean about always being seen doing the wrong thing. My good days are always Sundays when there's no one around, and my first shift in charge of Service all day Friday isn't going to be seen by the SSM, who's about to decide the Service management pecking order, and I'm trying to usurp the 2IC who's on compassion leave but coming back in two weeks.

We have a meeting for all supervisors on Wednesday night where he's going to either pick a top four of supervisors, or allocate everyone a number. Currently there are a minimum of two fights a day between supervisors who think they have the right to be in charge, its so lame.

Meant to take ideas from staff RE: saving energy, reducing waste. Meant to attend minimum of one manager's meeting per week (I attend two anyway), receive CoreComms about waste reduction/energy saving initiatives.
I've noticed that they now seem to have a mgr's meeting every morning, but I thought this was just us, or are there now more than 1 a week? I always thought there was just one on Mondays.

My store is getting a new CSM. My current CSM is stepping down as CSM to a normal operator as us. She wont even be allowed to be a supervisor. Apparantly were getting a new CSM from glenwood. We dont know what to expect in relation to the hours we are going to get with him in control of the rostering or if he will make a certain number of us casuals permanent/part-time. I wonder what its like to have a male CSM for a change. So hopefully our new CSM will bring positive change to our store and give us good hours instead of less hours per week. Im looking forward to finding out how he will manage a service team from a diferent store. Im so nervous for when he comes to take in charge.
That would be totes awkward for the new CSM, having to order her around etc. Was it a forced demotion?

Our grocery manager is being moved sideways, I liked him but appaz he's awful at his job. I hope the new one is cool.

Edit: also, woo for $26 an hour as casual sunday duty mgr. yes!
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Mar 9, 2009
Personal reasons i think and she cant deal with stress from other servicce operators that think shes a bad role model. Yeah it will be different for her getting hours like us and working on the registers then standing at the CSM. Well she will know what its like to be told what to do and listen like how she has and shes the type of CSM that chucks sickies i halrdy see her when im working during the day so she may get less hours like the rest of us.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
Yeah but i doubt she'd go to casual. I see you've started to use full stops now, which is very good.


Oct 25, 2007
It would feel so odd working with my CSM as an operator. I'd feel like I was being watched.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
What you find on page 35, from Oct 07. It seems two years doesn't improve our knowledge of cashier privileges and the second quote is such a gem considering townie finished as CSM yesterday!

are you talking about the bit in Office User Maintenance, where you link a users menus, or in Operator/Supervisor Maintenance?

What I'm talking about, is when you go into Operator/Supervisor Maintenance (i think you have to be either Service Manager, Office Cashier or Manager to have access to this), you can set privelages by marking check boxes. In my store, operators have boxes 1 & 2 ticked, and supervisors/managers/anyone important has 1-4 ticked. I wanna know what boxes 5-8 are for :)

cheers for the speedy reply townie

edit: also, does anybody know if there is a user manual for Office and Back Office on StoreNet, or somewhere else??
did my first ever supervision shift today, on my own, no help, with only 24hrs notice....god it was stressful
Snap back to 2010, can I use Back Office to set someone up with their own Stock Management ID? I'm pretty sure i have Dept Mgr access. There is a 12hrs a week supervisor who wants it and CSM is away sick so I thought I may be able to do it myself, I know the SSO set me up through Back Office.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
Sorry to spam but I just wanted to share (no one else is home) that i think something bad has happened to the 2IC. She rang today for her mum (who works in Peri) and then the mum ran out of the store at full speed, only to come back extremely upset to see SSM, then she left again. Now on fb some chick from the deli who's good friends with her is like "can't believe what i've just been told". It's really bad cos she lost her baby in December. Like could life get any worse for her? I feel awful for saying that I want to usurp her now. I no longer want that.


Mar 30, 2009
Snap back to 2010, can I use Back Office to set someone up with their own Stock Management ID? I'm pretty sure i have Dept Mgr access. There is a 12hrs a week supervisor who wants it and CSM is away sick so I thought I may be able to do it myself, I know the SSO set me up through Back Office.
Yes, go 4-3-1

Press F6 to query current users. Find an unused ID in the correct range (refer to StoreNet for privilege ranges).

Create new employee with the selected ID. Press F2 to save.

Initial password is 0000.


Mar 30, 2009
Super! I'm writing that down...will it only work if i have Dept Mgr privs?
Either need manager (1-10 or 501-509) or Department Manager (11-19 or 510-519)

Don't quote me on those ranges though. Check the StoreNet documentation.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
I have 15. Cool. Will do cos I heart StoreNet's speed and search accuracy. But not really.
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
What does the thing in bold mean? But you seem to have a fairly full roster, surely they wouldn't give you so many hours if you're totes shit?

I also know what you mean about always being seen doing the wrong thing. My good days are always Sundays when there's no one around, and my first shift in charge of Service all day Friday isn't going to be seen by the SSM, who's about to decide the Service management pecking order, and I'm trying to usurp the 2IC who's on compassion leave but coming back in two weeks.

We have a meeting for all supervisors on Wednesday night where he's going to either pick a top four of supervisors, or allocate everyone a number. Currently there are a minimum of two fights a day between supervisors who think they have the right to be in charge, its so lame.
iykwim = if you know what i mean ;)

I don't get it either. I'm practically doing full time hours at the moment, and its not like they chuck me on mains all day. My days are spent generally in express (but on the sup registers), in smokeshop, or in various nontrade functions. If I have a supervisor shift its weeknights which I can handle just fine. I have to admit I really struggled when I had to do Thursday nights last November, but thats more because I had 15 registers to spot in half an hour by myself, because they hadn't given me anyone else with supervisor privileges. If I was doing them now I'd be fine because that issue has well been fixed. I know what I'm good at and not good at, but I really didn't feel confident enough to speak up yesterday.
As I said, she's not about to banish me to mains just yet :haha: TBH I didn't see any issue with the roster, I just think that she felt it had to be explained. At the end of the day, its a bit of a wakeup call, so I'm taking everyones criticism on board.

Your supervisors sound utterly pathetic. Does everyone end up on the roster as supervisors, or do most go on as operators? Because that distinction is well enforced with us. But the meeting sounds like its a good idea.

ie, here's our hierarchy.

1 - CSM (obviously)
2 - 2IC
3 - PPT supervisor who does Mon/Thurs/Fri close, as well as Sat and Sun all day. (and often will take charge over 2IC)
4 - 3IC (however if we're both on as operators I have no problem usurping her at the moment).
5 - Me and one other casual supervisor. Both of us are good at different things, so we're brilliant when together.
6 - Casual sup they started training in November/Weekend smokeshop operator.
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May 29, 2009
Cheltenham, Adelaide
My (new) 2IC has gone back to her old store because she wasn't coping. I'm going to miss her, she was mega-awesome :(

What are your views on sharing supervision privlidges on POS (like, other operators knowing your pass so they can do svr easily without you coming for them)?
I was told it's an offense which can get BOTH parties sacked, moreso the supervisor for letting it happen. I heard one of our supervisors got in trouble for this. (MAYBE)
I know a supervisors password after she was teaching me to void late night transactions one night. Mind you, she only lets/let me use it and me to know her pass because i'm a SCO attendant and I know the svr menu and disc dumps/refunds (scann.policy, etc)/reduce toclear/qty's, etc.
I've only ever done 1 refund on her numbers, thats one night (5 mins after close), when she was trying to rush a friend of hers with no shit, 3 trollies through self serve.

DM Mike

Nov 5, 2009
Id be more concerned about the supervisor putting a friend through than she giving out her numbers..

Youre more likely to be busted by using the numbers as its a plainly stupid thing to do, if you make a mistake without realising it then youre pretty much caught, even if the supervisor gave you the numbers its still obviously a dodgy thing to do and wont stand as a defence, although we all know it happens and Im sure the Area Teams know it. Its just a matter of pragmatism...

Same as RF gun numbers, walk into any store pick up a gun and start and I reckon in most youll get in using 0000 pretty quickly....


Oct 25, 2007
The CSM once gave me her numbers over the internal phone when I asked for a suspended sale. I've only ever used them once and that was to reprint a receipt when it was way to busy to get a supervisor down to do it for me. I figure if it's ok for her to do it then she's not going to sack me.
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
If I reckon that someone knows my numbers, I change them. I don't trust a lot of my operators though.

However, I left my CSM permanently logged into telco check last night, so there goes her scanning rate :bomb:


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
iykwim = if you know what i mean ;)

I don't get it either. I'm practically doing full time hours at the moment, and its not like they chuck me on mains all day. My days are spent generally in express (but on the sup registers), in smokeshop, or in various nontrade functions. If I have a supervisor shift its weeknights which I can handle just fine. I have to admit I really struggled when I had to do Thursday nights last November, but thats more because I had 15 registers to spot in half an hour by myself, because they hadn't given me anyone else with supervisor privileges. If I was doing them now I'd be fine because that issue has well been fixed. I know what I'm good at and not good at, but I really didn't feel confident enough to speak up yesterday.
As I said, she's not about to banish me to mains just yet :haha: TBH I didn't see any issue with the roster, I just think that she felt it had to be explained. At the end of the day, its a bit of a wakeup call, so I'm taking everyones criticism on board.

Your supervisors sound utterly pathetic. Does everyone end up on the roster as supervisors, or do most go on as operators? Because that distinction is well enforced with us. But the meeting sounds like its a good idea.

ie, here's our hierarchy.

1 - CSM (obviously)
2 - 2IC
3 - PPT supervisor who does Mon/Thurs/Fri close, as well as Sat and Sun all day. (and often will take charge over 2IC)
4 - 3IC (however if we're both on as operators I have no problem usurping her at the moment).
5 - Me and one other casual supervisor. Both of us are good at different things, so we're brilliant when together.
6 - Casual sup they started training in November/Weekend smokeshop operator.
Ah so you're like becoming a born-again supervisor. Cool. No it's sort of refreshing if you get criticised because then in a few months you can be like "my CSM identified these issues with me and I've been working hard to overcome them" as opposed to just not really knowing what kind of job you're doing.

Yes all the supervisors in my store are pathetic, except like three. Not in their ability, just their attitude. They think one supervising shift a week entitles them to never having to serve again, which is a problem when half the front end staff are supervisors. It's also a management failure because they never officially replaced the 2IC who went on maternity (now compassionate) leave (just found out the bad news - her boyfriend's mother (only forty-something) died today). Like the CSM told me that it was me, but told no-one else that, but then another full-time supervisor thinks she is, with some merit. So when she is on as operator she thinks that she has authority over whoever is on as supervisor (unless its the CSM) but the supervisor doesn't, which tends to involve major clashes. Hence pecking order meeting, which should result in:

1. CSM
2. 2IC (who may extend her compassionate leave now, which would promote everyone else)
3. aforementioned quasi-2IC (who goes on maternity in March, i get her roster appaz)
4. Me

5-10. Everyone else

My roster this week cos I heart it to the max:

MON: 12 - 5 operator
TUE: 9 - 2 operator/supvsn
WED: 12:15 - 21:15 supvsn
THU: 17:15 - 21:15 dutymgr
FRI: 7:00 - 17:00 supvsn
SAT: 15:15 - 19:15 dutymgr
SUN: 15:15 - 19:15 dutymgr
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Ah so you're like becoming a born-again supervisor. Cool. No it's sort of refreshing if you get criticised because then in a few months you can be like "my CSM identified these issues with me and I've been working hard to overcome them" as opposed to just not really knowing what kind of job you're doing.
Its not anything super serious or anything :haha: Well I'm taking it seriously because I'd like to think I can do better. Although my CSM admitted I'm not someone she would have trained, I am a lot like her so she can see why our previous CSM/SSM did. It was a bit of a weird conversation. Step 1 is to work on prioritising and staying focussed.

Christ, this makes me sound like a 5 year old.

Yes all the supervisors in my store are pathetic, except like three. Not in their ability, just their attitude. They think one supervising shift a week entitles them to never having to serve again, which is a problem when half the front end staff are supervisors. It's also a management failure because they never officially replaced the 2IC who went on maternity (now compassionate) leave (just found out the bad news - her boyfriend's mother (only forty-something) died today). Like the CSM told me that it was me, but told no-one else that, but then another full-time supervisor thinks she is, with some merit. So when she is on as operator she thinks that she has authority over whoever is on as supervisor (unless its the CSM) but the supervisor doesn't, which tends to involve major clashes.
They need to come to my store - our 2IC goes on mains frequently. Honestly, what do they think an operator shift means? I have to admit that I rarely go on mains, but I don't make an issue of it when asked.

Thats probably a reflection of the very strict management in my store though.

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