Haha I had Monday to thursday last year first seem, it was a nightmare!!!! I had shitloads of long breaks in between and on one day I had to travel all the way to uni for a one hour lecture lol...my dad didn't let me just listen to the online lecture and save me the 3 hour trip. But it was pretty good...had some....INTERESTING times with friends
Hahah oh Lordy Lordy lord. Ah its okay, you'll get your studies done in that extra time. Besides, I guess going to uni five days a week is actually really good for your social life.
Tute reg was so bad this year.
They tried to "improve" it but made it worse =|
What kind of a bright idea was making all first year business units at one time and all the other business units at another time. The lag was so bad =(
I got all my classes though.
Accounting loves mondays.
Last semester I was at uni until 9pm on mondays and this semester is the same =|
Monday is when all my tv shows are on GRRRRRR
Yeah I must admit. The whole registration system is shiite...excuse my French
They really need to make it easier for us, the whole omg stare at the screen and refresh like a maniac is really stressful. Wow you're at uni till 9pm on Mondays?? My latest day is a Thursday, I finish at 6pm...by the time I get home its about 8pm.
Yep 9pm
Though if I'm lucky I'll get off at 8.30ish
I only live a 15min drive from campus so all I need to do is get my ps and I'm all good lol.
My poor parents and BFF have to drive me everywhere.