The UMAT Ofice will not enter into appeals against UMAT results.
Nor is it possible to give any special consideration for impaired performance on the day of the test caused by illness or other unexpected personal situations.
There is no possibility of special consideration being applied to test results by ACER or by University Admissions Committees. Under no circumstances will Scores be adjusted to account for any perceived disadvantage. If you have a complaint relating to the test centre or the conduct of the test, this should be reported to the supervisor on the day, or in writing to the UMAT Ofice within seven days of the test administration.
Candidates are advised that UMAT results are released only after careful calculation and extensive checking. Errors in scoring are highly unlikely.
However, following receipt of the UMAT Statement of Results a candidate may apply for a re-mark of his or her answer sheet if they believe an error may have been made.
A re-mark involves manual scoring of the answer sheet. The resulting scores will then be compared with the computer-generated scores to check that there has been no error in calculating or collating marks.
Requests for re-mark must be made in writing to the UMAT Ofice at ACER and must be received no later than Friday 19 October 2007. The fee of $85 payable for this service must be included with the written request (cheque, money order
or credit card payments are acceptable). In the unlikely case of a scoring error being found, the re-mark fee would be refunded. All re-marks will be processed after the deadline of 19 October. Re-mark results cannot be released to candidates in time for selecting university preferences.