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what is the best public school out there? (1 Viewer)

best public school...?

  • James Ruse Agricultural High School

    Votes: 33 25.8%
  • North Sydney Boys/Girls High School

    Votes: 21 16.4%
  • Baulkham Hills High School

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Killara High School

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Cheltenham Girls High School

    Votes: 6 4.7%
  • Sydney Boys/Girls High School

    Votes: 28 21.9%
  • Hurlstone Agricultural High School

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • Northern Beaches Secondary College (any campus)

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Fort Street High School

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Caringbah High School

    Votes: 3 2.3%

  • Total voters


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002

Okay Shannon, I apologise... maybe I was in the heat of debate and I lost control... erhem... It's just that High, I believe, is the most unique in those respects, than all the other public schools. Sure Ruse et alia has chess, ISCF, cadetship et cetera, but it does not incorporate them into its ethos, as High does. We are TAUGHT to be all-rounders. I am not a JR-basher, it's not tall-poppy syndrome, and you know that Shaz. Look at my previous posts and my overall argument; I am defending my school's honour.

I respect and admire JR people, you know that. I am friends with you, and many others at JR. You guys make sure the HSC is not ruled by those who've had an expensive education; you guys form the academic standard we look up to.

Anyway, stuff Valentine's Day (*goddamn commercial gimmick*). They have roses for sale at SGHS too! (though the chances of me buying/getting a rose this year are impossible).

Someone buy me a rose? @K-'-,--



I know you don't want a reply, but I feel like it :p

Question One:
Do you HONESTLY think that your grade is composed of all rounders (acadamic/sport/social) or is there a sort of rift that divides the nerds and the jocks?
I HONESTLY think my school is full of all-rounders... There is no division between the nerds and the jocks, the uncool and the cool, but think about this logically...

A school is made up of individuals, each with their own strength and weaknesses... Of course some people are going to be stronger at Maths, but that DOES NOT, SHOULD NOT, and CANNOT mean they do not know how "to speak english". In fact some mathematically talented are also excellent English students (O.W.), chess players (C.Q.) and basketball players (D.L.). It is, by a chemistry analogy, like a pH scale... High tries, with its ethos, to make all of us be pH 6-8, so there is room for individual pursuit, but also the strength for all-rounding ability.

No one would rather not want the whole package (academic/sporting/cultural/prefectship), but nobody is perfect. How could you have the audacity to suggest my school is a divided, when, in fact, the High family is very united.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, I suggest you talk to my principal, Dr. K. Jaggar on (02) 9361 6910 and I'm sure he will correct you.

Question Two:
Disregarding all other aspects (location,etc), would you have preferred to go to James Ruse in year 7?
Now, bobo - mate, that's just dirtying this argument... what my parents or I put down in the applications, or what we/I thought is personal and irrelevant to this debate. But since you yourself wishes that I think about it, I shall do you the honour of letting you know what's on my mind.

Yes, in Year 6, I did put down JR as top choice. So what?...
Unfortunately, I was in a reserve 'C' position, and I declined my application. But then, I was young and inexperienced, so I believe that only JR would produce the best academic results.

But then again, is it just about the results?

How about the overall development of a young man, from year 7 to year 12?

I do not regret for a moment entering High, because I love the place, every part of it: its traditions, its location, its merits. Maybe in the end, I will get 0.05 UAI lower, but I rather be an all-rounder than just be a good HSC candidate.

Just because I did put JR as top choice, when I was ignorant of both schools, does not waiver my loyalty to my school. Bobo, you are dirtying the argument by suggesting that. JR might have the best HSC results, but it does not mean High is not a great school.

Your argument, surely, does not dampen our school spirit, especially as seen by the vehement retorts from High expressed in this thread.

Veritate et Virtute...
Shoutoutz to pigs (Opz 4 M.T.), Mercury (ex SGHS, now JR), phenol (Geo is a chem master), Suvat (has got his Ps) and kaboomable (soloHX), marsenal (???another High Boy) et alia (from the Sydney High Schools).

Frigid out.
Last edited:


Feb 7, 2003
my first question was just a query.

The point of my 2nd question was to prove my statement before about those people who select High in year 6 do it for academic reasons. It was a very reasonable question and I dont understand how I "dirty" the argument.

I do not seek to dampen the High spirit, i was merely picking a fight. Arguments on forums just help me write in a consistent yet conversational manner, which is helpful for oral assessments cuz i suck at those :( . Had it been any other school, i would of slandered it too. Just as well that i saw Frigid's post. Come on, you gotta admit you sounded like some infatuated year 7 who believed that a school is everything the brochure says it is. I also thank :apig: for his honest contributions ;)



LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002

I do not seek to dampen the High spirit, i was merely picking a fight. Arguments on forums just help me write in a consistent yet conversational manner, which is helpful for oral assessments cuz i suck at those. Had it been any other school, i would of slandered it too. Just as well that i saw Frigid's post. Come on, you gotta admit you sounded like some infatuated year 7 who believed that a school is everything the brochure says it is.
Good luck to you in oral assessments, because you have some flair. Maybe bobo, you should've done Latin at school, so you can learn Cicero and the art of rhetoric. You do debating, eh?

However, personally, I think picking on High is not good. Because not only will I retort, but so will I call many others (phenol, suvat and kaboomable) to fight on my side. Thus is the High spirit.

In regards to the brochure, yes there is one available, and as with ALL promotional material, of course it shows the school in its best light. You would expect the same if a brochure came from your school, no?

Haha, did I sound like an infatuated year 7? Perhaps I did... doesn't matter, the brochure is pretty close to the truth; we DO push all-rounders in our ethos... otherwise there wouldn't be so many voices in opposition to your argument, would there?

Let's call it a day, shalln't we?



Feb 8, 2003
I'll buy you a rose frigid and I'll try get you SHE CDs and posters. =)

Frigid wrote:

I respect and admire JR people, you know that. I am friends with you, and many others at JR. You guys make sure the HSC is not ruled by those who've had an expensive education; you guys form the academic standard we look up to.
who's we?

There are not many people I look up to: pig can fly is three quarters, Captain James is one and several quarters, that's about it in sydney - none from JR.

Anyway, we do not yet know who will be the academic standards of 2003 Frigid, as long as High works together and we dont fight amongst ourselves, I am sure we wont lose to JR. UAI speaks for itself. May the Horsie bring us goodluck *cough*

Last edited:


Feb 8, 2003

By Le Chatelier's principle this conquest of the apex of academica between SBHS and JRAHS is like the first step of a complexation reaction between silver and the oh so famous ammonia soln

Ag+ + NH3 <====> Ag(NH3)+ pK(stab) = 3.31

Despite the journey to the right hand side of the equilibrium is so laborious, thermodynamically (look at the damn decrease in entropy) unfavoured and almost demonically difficult - High will prevail.
Just to really show u how dodgy this reaction is, here look at the Gibbs Free Energy:

deltaG = - RTlnK = 1.88 x 10^4 J

But this is nothing compared to High's spirit. There are many things Mastercard can buy. But Mastercard cant buy the Sydney High Spirit.

For extra credit Mercury, try name this complex without referring to books:



cHeAp bOoKs
Nov 12, 2002
we love you High

Well well well, the debate continues, and just as I though it would it has tuned into a Ruse v High debate. To be honest I had no idea that Ruse people really saw High as a competitor up until about 6 months ago, when I met an ex-student of Ruse (class of 01). So I guess that was a pleasant suprise, as I did not share the same feelings. Obviously I'd love my school to beat Ruse, but to be perfectly honest I don't see that happening just yet, although let me just say that the class of 03 will give it our best go. Now what do I really think of Ruse, you guys are amazing! When I heard that your median mark was about 99, I was quite impressed. Ruse is great school to get into in order to achive a very High UAI, and I'm happy that it edges out the private schools every year as the top school. So guys and gals of Ruse, keep up the good work (except not this year ;) I mean there's always a bit of a selfish aspect in place).

Now moving on to those questions posed by bobo.
In regard to the first one: I believe that every single person that has been at High since the beggining of year 7 has evolved into some sort of allrounder, even those that haven't played sport or the like. The reason for this is the atmosphere that is built up. Of course not everyone is going to be like our skip (pigs has already outlined his achievements), but everyone has made quite a progress, which I don't see as often from students in other schools.

Now the supposed rift. In any school the size of ours there are going to be different groups formed, and I am not going to say that we're all like a happy family, but on the whole especially as the years go on our year has nonetheless been quite close, in that the "jocks" can sometimes be found associating with the "nerds", and not just in classroom situations. I think this is especially the case with class of 03.

The second question was I believe in regard to why I chose High instead of Ruse. My 4 choices in oder were High, North Sydney Boys, Fort St and Tech. I did not even contemplate putting down Ruse, even though the brother of my best friend in primary school went to Ruse. My reasons for High were that it is actually the closest school to my home and also the fact that another close family friend went to High as well and was always saying how good it was. I was especially impressed that he did rifle shooting, and talked about it as if he was a pro or something. Basically hearing him talk about High in such good light made me want to be part of it. But of course there was also the aspect of the academics involved, I mean there wouldn't be too many other reasons for why people apply to selective schools.

I tried to make this post a bit shorter than my last one, which was actually quite hard as i wanted to go into a lot more depth about all the stuff mentioned above, but hey it's all good......


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Nah, but seriously phenol, i actually admire those ppl at Ruse (*winkwink, mercury, u know who I'm talking bout... starts with 'J', ends with 'n'). Nah, I was probly having a loss of control when arguing, too heated up you see...

Guys, I do wish you didn't talk about uni chemistry so much... you're confusing my limited, modest little brain with your thermodynamics... go talk english or syllabus chem with me...

Secondly, phenol, i do think we can 'touch' Ruse, but we won't beat them... Yes, you, pigs, captain, 'chop, CQ, DL and many others including myself will work our asses off, but there will always be the people who drag our grade down... LET'S FLUSH THEM OUT BEFORE HSC!

O and mercury, your school's motto is "GESTA NON VERBA", not 'cesta non verba'... tsktsk, good buddy... it means something like "things (understood) having been done, not words (understood) having been said." Or in short, "deeds, not words"...
Muahaha, me loves Cicero!!!.

As for Valentine's Day, I'm still screwed - good luck to pigz tho! Guess what mercury... our current 3rd dux (pigs) is going for SGHS 3rd dux (Monica Tang)... they make a nice couple, do they not?...

btw, phenol, come help me tomolo with the integration, i'm still a n00b...


btw, who art thou, Marsenal?

I'm guessing you're Max


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Cool, coz I haven't got anybody for the formal and I was about to ask her, except I deleted her number *yes, I know I'm a fool*, because I was pissed off that day and deleted almost ALL the girls numbers on my list...

I'm still waiting for my next phone bill to get the number back again... hope I dun get it wrong!

Btw, yes Valentine's Day... well I dunno: if I remain anonymous and buy a rose send it to JR, that sux. If I dun remain anonymous, get find out I will get sent to Rejectville again... sigh...

Someone buy me a rose? @K-'-,--


Feb 7, 2003
oh my :p

suicide bombing is a little drastic though :D

never knew High hated Ruse so much
i guess this academic thing really gets to ya huh ;)


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Me about to go to sleep, but before that must finish this post. *yawn* :eek:

Phenol, your actions seem a bit drastic... I certainly hope you don't get < UAI 75... otherwise you might blow up J...n... and then I'll have to kill a bro to revenge her... But I like your insults at their school and they make me laugh so hard I fall off chair... Don't worry Merc, take Geo lightly... he's just him (like that SHE song)...

You hate English? I will conquer English. Muahaha.

Anyway, I gotta go... tomolo must struggle to wake and go to morning class with kaboomable... and study Juvenal and his Satire.

February 14th - bloody commercial gimmick.
I'll try once for J...n - if fail, stand back up as High does.

"You can't buy spirit."
(coz you're bloody underaged for drinking).


New Member
Feb 8, 2003

i can truly understand the feelings and emotions you're trying to go through

indeed when the enemy outside allies with your 'pals' from inside, one must not hesitate to act

indeed for those that understand frigid, to him, all girls, i repeat, all girls, come before any bros.. i repeat again, any bros... *u girls are in luck*..pfft
what this means is that in school, there are no girls... so he's perfectly kewl wif the guyz.. but as soon as we step out of the school, the word 'male' vanishes from his brain...

now this really pisses bros off and i truly believe he is a product of our all masculine school.. *finally a disadvantage of being in our school*

phenol i totally agree with your views, esp the suicide bombing part.. 75 uai and the place is flat

one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter


Feb 7, 2003
rofl :D

High is united when they get dissed but when left alone, they disintegrate into an mess of name calling, terrorism and thermodynamics :D

funny stuff indeed but rather confusing :p


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002

Awww... com'on guys don't fight! All you guys do is :argue:


phenol: I don't know what you wrote (you friggin edited it) but I think it pissed Merc off big time! If you hate the school, hate IT, not the individuals...


mercury: I'm sorry buddy... it's just that phenol is so fucking crazy sometimes he's nutz... take him lightly...
:) cheer up lah?

"Tolerate one moment, the winds die down, the waves flatten,
Take one step back, the sea is wide, the sky vast."
- some quote in Chinese I learnt...


kaboomable: you piece of crud, you bastard, you low piece of *(^$@*^@$%..!!!

Com'on bro, you know what I am. I am a by-product of the stuff that happens around me... I adapt and am influenced by my environment... In school, I am ALL chill with you... Outside school, I support school, and bros, to a degree* (* - which you specified)...

Arghhh, it doesn't matter... I quit seeing her, quit seeing the other her, and talking to the other her... I mean how can I? 10 morning classes in as many mornings? I am abstaining. Goddamn Valentine's Day is tempting me like shit. Friggin making me waste net credit. And no, no Dodo.


bobo123: you don't get all of it coz you're not in Sydney High...



LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
PnP... arghh, how I loathe that book.... read to page 66 and fell asleep :eek:

For boys, Austen's novels, IMHO, are toilet-paper... no offence intended...

Anyway, I wrote and sent the E-Card... hopefully she checks her mail within 15 days... if she doesn't bad luck... there's no point in my buying a dozen roses for her...

Cheerz. Frigid out.


Feb 13, 2003
9th Heaven
Woah bros..................don't wat to say now.........stupid internet d/c me 3 times before i was going to post yesterday....no inspiration now. but still....JR???.....the flairs i left back in the westie skos can kick thier lil ass ezily!!........


Feb 13, 2003
9th Heaven
by natstar
A school is a school in my opinion. You cant really help what skool u go to if you live in the country or woteva, u just have to do with wot they got.
NO.........this is not entirely true. and the closest example i can find is from the HIgh. 2 examples, one dude fly over here from HK to try to get in High. and i do mean fly over....he just came half yr ago. and 2nd, this dude catch a train from wollongong to school in the morning, and it's only because he's a HIGH's student(luckyily he was not on that waterfall train).

i wonder any one would do that in JR????

Disregarding all other aspects (location,etc), would you have preferred to go to James Ruse in year 7?
ME?.........of coz not.......JR sux.......who would want to spend their high sko life in a pig or lamb or cow farm?.........ewwww.......it stinks!!!........

okok........maybe i'm just soo anti-JR...but.......wat abt other ppl.......i knew this family friend's son........he leave around Epping, and he was accepted by both JR and HIGH.......which one did he choose??.....HIGH of coz!.....it's coz that he is smart, or more intelligent. He noes which sko is the best for him. THe sko trains and teach him to be a person, a man. Not someone stuffed full of ****. just as i joked around a few days ago somewhere else, "u wanna noe why the JRs got a mean UAI of 99???.....just go check their farm. Why??.......u'll see all these ppl lining up, wating to get books pumped into them by those food feeder of ducks n chicken.(in case for ppl don't noe abt a food feeder, it this machine with a hose . one end connected to a pump with food supplied. and the other side?..........right down the animal's oesophagus)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Wollongong to the City isn't that special.
It's no different to people traveling from the mountains to Strathfield or the City each day for school.


Feb 8, 2003
Wollongong to the City isn't that special.
It's no different to people traveling from the mountains to Strathfield or the City each day for school.
It is so easy to talk - action counts more.


Madman, enough talk - dont have to state the obvious about JR.
That "school" is already pretty screwed up in many respects, giv'em a chance eh? ;)
I like ur metaphor with the food feeding thingy though =) so true!

And bring the SHE VCD u got from Frigid on Sunday to coaching, V IMPORTANT.

Many thanx


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Wollongong to the City isn't that special.
It's no different to people traveling from the mountains to Strathfield or the City each day for school.
I completely agree with phenol on this one... Yes, the journey from Blue Mountains to Strati or City is nothing different from the journey from the 'gong to City, but you've got to realise, Generator, that this particular High boy did it because he wanted, sincerely, to go to our school. Previously, this High boy went to a local Grammar school, but he realised that our school was better, much better, therefore such an "unspecial" trip each day is nothing to him. Likewise, to get to High, a trip of 'Bus-Train-Bus' twice a day is NOTHING for me. Thus lives the High Spirit.
Bottom line, Generator, it is the "gesta, non verba" of the High Boys that count.


Frigid Out.


Feb 8, 2003

ur so sexy Frigid

- man i need some ideas for a feature article on welcoming change!!!!!!

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