I dont see why people are astounded at the mention of high UAi marks. I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to be aiming for? Isn't that why we've stayed on till yr 12 instead of dropping school in yr 10? We as people who have continued on to this stage, students from selective and comprehensive schools alike, should be up in the top echelon of society. True, the majority of the population is far below some of you people and you should embrace that realisation. The ones who receive average australia incomes and who possess standard occupations are... shall we say... the cannon fodders of this nation. And yet i do admit, without them, we would not have a medium against which to catagorize ourselves as academics, as more successful contributors to our society.
Getting high marks is possible. I just takes work. I am waisting time just by typing up this comment (but who cares). And remember, life is not fair, get used to it. Many student WILL feel depressed, WILL feel anxious and WILL suffer the ruthless blunt of the elites from selective schools. That's life.
Desired UAI: 99.85.....hope you all aim for this