TurboTom said:
yep ask any homosexual or anyone with aids if he was an amazing pope...
god you people are fucking blinded by the need to see him as a good bloke simply because of the virtue of the fact that he died...
everyone fucking well dies, why does death give people a reverance and holiness that they do not deserve?
and put it in context? im putting this subject in its perfect context, the pope was not an all round great guy. he was a homophobic, intolerant bigot.
all you women, do you also know that he refused to have women work directly for him... how do u feel about that?
TurboTom, I will make a few points to you:
1. He did make a lot of changes to the Church, maybe not as many as he could have, but noone's perfect, and he did set the Church well on the way to more progressive thinking (he encouraged Catholics not to be prejudiced against gays).
2. He never made these policies, they are in the Bible, and it's
extremely hard to find a loophole upon which to ignore such policies which have been so explicitly stated. Also, if the AIDS sufferers in Africa respect his opinion so much, why do they not follow the idea that is actively encouraged now
abstinence prior to marriage. In his mind sex is only right and proper in one situation, and to encourage contraception would be, in his mind, to demean the true meaning of sex as a procreative action.
3. Everyone makes mistakes. Does that mean that we should not acknowledge someone as a great person if their good actions outweigh their bad ones 1000:1. No.
4. Go fuck yourself buddy, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.