I am so over school... my holidays start today- you would think "sweet, three weeks of holidays to study for the trials..." but nooooo that is so not the case here, this is three weeks of "holidays":
monday- whole day at school- 3 unit maths
tuesday- chemistry at school
wednesday, thursday, friday- Visual arts major work @ school
thursday- italian day- grammar etc.
friday-- english paper 1 prep @ school BREAK
tuesday- chemistry- do whole elective at school
wednesday- studies of religion revision day
friday- english paper 2 prep(we haven't finished frontline)
and this is meant to be a holiday in which you get all your trial notes AND major works done.... It's F*cking impossible, I'm stressing out ALOT. I wish this was over...
and when it's over... god, i haven't even though of that yet!