your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies? (2 Viewers)


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
回复: your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

C. Masters, J. Vallejo; "Readers Battle over Pub Bid to Ban Jager Bombs"; The Daily Telegraph; published by News Ltd.; first printed August 7th 2007

Manly and Newcastle have banned Jägerbombs from being sold in nightclubs and pubs on the basis that they encourage binge drinking and irresponsible behaviour in youth. During the Schoolies Week period on the Victorian Surf Coast, Jägerbombs were banned in a lot of pubs. The sale of Red Bull was also limited to 4 per person each day to help curb the massive consumption of Jägerbombs.
gg u fuken kids


Mar 11, 2008
iamemanuel said:
hey folks,

it has been a rather in depth debate within my group of friends about who will be trying stuff just for the sake of experimenting and who wont.

i personally am kinda keen to try stuff purely coz i will only be young once...

In the past i have only ever tryed a bit of weed at a party but didnt really have any effect..

wat are your opinions on the matter? and if you are keen to experiment how far/or how harder drug would you be willing to try?
I want to know what it feels like to be "high", but I will not go any further than alcohol. I'm too scared of the possibilities.


Jun 4, 2006
Working in hospitals and medical centres the last few years I have seen my share of drug addicts and drug relatd incedents.


take drugs occasionally during school
after school clubbing take them more often
gradually get into harder stuff
Loose your job
have a bunch of kids you can look after cause your to high
end up getting money from the govt to support your habit (which the taxpayer pays for)
end up in jail because you have resorted to crime to get drugs.

See injurys all the time and young people overdosing and going into comas etc. and you may not realise how common it is this isnt only happening in poorer low socioeconomic area but in middle class areas aswell.

Here is some interesting statistics

Adult male police detainees testing positive to selected drugs in jail - 80%

Near half of all drug related emergency room visits are due to overdose

Ecstasy-related emergency room incidents increased nationwide from 250 in 1994, to 637 in 1997, to 1,142 in 1998, to 2,850 in 1999.
In addition to the effects of the drug itself, street heroin may have additives that do not readily dissolve and result in clogging the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. This can cause infection or even death of small patches of cells in vital organs.
The number of ED visits involving heroin/morphine increased 15 percent, from 84,409 to 97,287

The heroin addict spends between $150 to $200 per day to maintain a heroin addiction

It has been estimated that 85-90% of property theft and muggings on the street are made by addicts to fund their habit.

Approximately 20 million people over the age of 12 use drugs in the US and around 20,000 people die each year from their addiction

So wouldnt you rather go to schoolies drink and have fun instead of taking drugs and being confronted by an even higher risk of injury/death.

Lazy Student

New Member
Oct 30, 2008
I know what you're getting at, but this is still what happens when drugs are used to excess. Sensible amounts for recreational purposes I really don't have a problem with.

At schoolies we drank all week and smoked a fair bit of weed. We had a lot of fun and didn't get into any trouble. One day we made hash cookies and were completely spaced out for ten hours straight. Even at this crazily high dosage we were fine, since we'd all done the drug before, we knew the effects and equally we knew it's impossible to OD on.

I tried one capsule of E for the first time and honestly it didn't do a damn thing. I didn't take another because I knew I could easily end up with too much in my system and I didn't want to risk that. We also knew not to do E more than once every couple of weeks, so we did it on one day of schoolies and never again.

Nobody's going to do heroin every day on schoolies and develop an addiction. With a bit of common sense recreational drugs can be more fun than alcohol and probably a bit safer too.


May 6, 2004
BackCountrySnow said:
Jager is too expensive.
Red bull is too expensive.

And the hit is overrated tbh.
They are like $7 for a schooner out here. Expensive but you only have like 4. I just drink beer until late then when beer starts getting to hard to drink and too slow etc just have a few jagerbombs or red bull and vodkas and that does me until 4ish etc. Spend like $80 a night in a massive massive binge. $40 if im just out with mates drinking beer and stuff.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2006
mem8's schoolies is perfect to start for the first time: dumping pills, smokes some doobies, rack some gas. /sarcasm

Why would you start on drugs at schoolies? If you're interested in trying it do it on a weekend? If you're asian and have neo-nazi parents then don't do drugs because disobeying you're parents may lead to abandment.

boris said:
They are like $7 for a schooner out here. Expensive but you only have like 4. I just drink beer until late then when beer starts getting to hard to drink and too slow etc just have a few jagerbombs or red bull and vodkas and that does me until 4ish etc. Spend like $80 a night in a massive massive binge. $40 if im just out with mates drinking beer and stuff.
You're a chick but.

But the cheap option guys is to get fucking maggot during the day then go out and just smash some strong shit at the start of the night to send you over the edge. It's pretty much impossible to get rejected entry at schoolies.


New Member
Jan 21, 2009
The use of legal/illegal drugs is a very complex issue and there are naive/arragont people on both sides.

I for one will be using illegal drugs when I go to schoolies next year, I have used recreational drugs in the past.

I am an occasional E user, I understand the risks of the drug I use, I have purchased a testing kit, have a good dealer even though you can never rely on a dealer and have only used the drug twice in 6 months.

E is the only drug that I have done (Most probably amphet/meth mixed in with the pills)

I understand that overuse of E can have tremendous effects to the brain and this is why the drug is illegal, I know allot of friends who pop every weekend I have no idea how they do it, they are fucking up there lives.

On schoolies I will be doing a couple of pills and maybe some speed, I would not get anyone into drugs while on schoolies its stupid. If you did you would have to have someone with you who has taken the drugs before so you know what your going to experience. I will not be buying drugs at schoolies but instead taking up my own supply, this has it's risks but i will not risk buying off a stranger. The risk is to great, if i get caught then I will see that as a sign to stop using.

To the poster who said they took a cap and it did nothing, that was pretty stupid capsules are so much easier to adult then pills, any moron can go down the chemist buy a pack of capsules and crush up half a panadol and chuck it in there, always use to look up the contents of your pills and ALWAYS use a testing kit, common sense should always prevale.

I believe following a few precautions E is a relatively safe drug, but if these precautions are not followed the drug can turn dangerous.

Legal drugs also have there addictive properties and risks, you can go to the chemist and buy a packet of panadein forte or nuerofon plus guess what you just have a packet of about 1g+ of a strong opiate codein, codein is highly addictive and a strong drug.

Alcahol can turn people into monsters and cause allot of physical damage

Overuse of caffein can cause damage

Overuse of any drug can cause damage and this is the difference, sensible use and then you have abuse!

If you wanna take drugs do your research understand the risks and know the effects!


Dec 21, 2007
The use of legal/illegal drugs is a very complex issue and there are naive/arragont people on both sides.

I for one will be using illegal drugs when I go to schoolies next year, I have used recreational drugs in the past.

I am an occasional E user, I understand the risks of the drug I use, I have purchased a testing kit, have a good dealer even though you can never rely on a dealer and have only used the drug twice in 6 months.

E is the only drug that I have done (Most probably amphet/meth mixed in with the pills)

I understand that overuse of E can have tremendous effects to the brain and this is why the drug is illegal, I know allot of friends who pop every weekend I have no idea how they do it, they are fucking up there lives.

On schoolies I will be doing a couple of pills and maybe some speed, I would not get anyone into drugs while on schoolies its stupid. If you did you would have to have someone with you who has taken the drugs before so you know what your going to experience. I will not be buying drugs at schoolies but instead taking up my own supply, this has it's risks but i will not risk buying off a stranger. The risk is to great, if i get caught then I will see that as a sign to stop using.

To the poster who said they took a cap and it did nothing, that was pretty stupid capsules are so much easier to adult then pills, any moron can go down the chemist buy a pack of capsules and crush up half a panadol and chuck it in there, always use to look up the contents of your pills and ALWAYS use a testing kit, common sense should always prevale.

I believe following a few precautions E is a relatively safe drug, but if these precautions are not followed the drug can turn dangerous.

Legal drugs also have there addictive properties and risks, you can go to the chemist and buy a packet of panadein forte or nuerofon plus guess what you just have a packet of about 1g+ of a strong opiate codein, codein is highly addictive and a strong drug.

Alcahol can turn people into monsters and cause allot of physical damage

Overuse of caffein can cause damage

Overuse of any drug can cause damage and this is the difference, sensible use and then you have abuse!

If you wanna take drugs do your research understand the risks and know the effects!

where's your brain?


New Member
Jan 21, 2009
Drugs are bad, it is true but it is not as simple as you make it out to be. Why are drugs bad do you have any reasons or do you just believe the government propaganda? Stop believing everything you hear in the media and get a brain of your own.

At least i gave balanced views and backed up my arguments with reasons why, shows who is the smarter one.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
I'm not going to pass opinion on whether or not i think people should "experiment" (translation: get fucked up on) drugs at schoolies or wherever, because the main thing is whether the person can hack it themselves.

at falls i did a capsule and just after i took it i nearly passed out in the toilet queue because i kept having mental images of me being rushed away in an ambulance and it made me all faint. You must comfortable with it and comfortable with the people you're around.

If you're worried about doing e then just go cappy because there is a much lower risk its got glass/arsenic whatevs in it.


Jul 28, 2007
Working in hospitals and medical centres the last few years I have seen my share of drug addicts and drug relatd incedents.


take drugs occasionally during school
after school clubbing take them more often
gradually get into harder stuff
Loose your job
have a bunch of kids you can look after cause your to high
end up getting money from the govt to support your habit (which the taxpayer pays for)
end up in jail because you have resorted to crime to get drugs.

See injurys all the time and young people overdosing and going into comas etc. and you may not realise how common it is this isnt only happening in poorer low socioeconomic area but in middle class areas aswell.

Here is some interesting statistics

Adult male police detainees testing positive to selected drugs in jail - 80%
Drug use among offenders/detainees statistics

Near half of all drug related emergency room visits are due to overdose

Ecstasy-related emergency room incidents increased nationwide from 250 in 1994, to 637 in 1997, to 1,142 in 1998, to 2,850 in 1999.
In addition to the effects of the drug itself, street heroin may have additives that do not readily dissolve and result in clogging the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. This can cause infection or even death of small patches of cells in vital organs.
The number of ED visits involving heroin/morphine increased 15 percent, from 84,409 to 97,287

The heroin addict spends between $150 to $200 per day to maintain a heroin addiction

It has been estimated that 85-90% of property theft and muggings on the street are made by addicts to fund their habit.

Approximately 20 million people over the age of 12 use drugs in the US and around 20,000 people die each year from their addiction

So wouldnt you rather go to schoolies drink and have fun instead of taking drugs and being confronted by an even higher risk of injury/death.
aww, statistics are so cute :rolleyes:

Funky Monk

Jan 12, 2009
hhhheeey man
Drugs= Bad
It's simple really.
k thanks for the hot-tip wise old soul, woman of the world.

always use to look up the contents of your pills and ALWAYS use a testing kit, common sense should always prevale

Nahh that's way too much effort brah! just let your buddies drop first and see what happens...
Last edited:


Jan 23, 2008
The reason why the media emphasizes that drugs are bad is because 90% of the people who take them are morons who will eventually get addicted, overdose and die. IMO the risks of taking drugs far outweigh a few hours of pleasure.

Some of you on this forum are arrogant and proud of the fact that you can manage controlled drug use. Good for you but at the end of the day you face the consequences of your actions.

Oh and by the way, drugs don't make you cool ;)


Jul 28, 2008
Hmm I see your point, although just DON'T try Ecstasy. I read somewhere a statistic that 80% of first time uses of E will kill a GOLF BALL size of your brain... I KNOW right?

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