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  1. pandaaMONIA

    Personal Interest Project - 'We're all Indivuals!' Survey.

    We’re All Individuals. Liam Van Kaathoven – Personal Interest Project Survey My personal interest project is a study of the individual’s personal socio-political views, both towards individual institutions such as both Government and Private schools, and also other persons. The way we present...
  2. pandaaMONIA

    HSC Pathways.

    I've been ill for a lot of my HSC, and lost my father from suicide late last year. Up until now I have been struggling, albeit passing HSC subjects. I've come to the conclusion that pathway might be an option for me, as of now. I just have a few questions... Currently I do Japanese Extension...
  3. pandaaMONIA

    2009 Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread

    When are yours/How did they go? Have you started studying? What subjects do you think you'll do well/poor in? Stressed? Mine start on Monday, worst timetable ever. Monday - English Advanced, Chemistry Wednesday - Ext Maths Thursday- Mathematics Monday- Ext English Tuesday-...
  4. pandaaMONIA

    subject help?

    Okay, I was called up to the careers advisor who straight out told me what subjects he thinks i should do next year. At the start of the year, i was set on 4U english, 4U maths, Chemistry and Japanese Extension. But now, I'm out preforming my cohort in Society and Culture with minimum effort...
  5. pandaaMONIA

    Many a question (Psych..Comm..Arts etc)

    The most important question i hold is: - If i was to gain access to, say, B Science (Adv) / Arts - do i have to do a major/minor in science AND a major/minor in Arts? Or can I just do a major in science/ major/minor in arts? e.g: B Science (Adv)(Psychology)/ Arts...
  6. pandaaMONIA

    Difference between Liberal Studies & Liberal Studies (INT.)

    Exactly what the title asks; What makes the UAI between the course differ so much? Is the International exchange partly paid for or something along those lines?
  7. pandaaMONIA

    Question about Medicine acceptance...

    Silly question really, But just say (hypothetically), someone got an interview for Medicine at UNSW. the person had an eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing (e.g: Would those piercings affect the marks in an interview, or...
  8. pandaaMONIA

    What the hell? (chem help)

    I have looked around everywhere, read in the textbooks. everything. Can someone PLEASE explain to me what an ionic structure is? Is it just many Ionic bonds that form this structure? or? ...I really need Chemistry tutoring. Also, wth is Covalent molecular/network structures? Thanks heaps.
  9. pandaaMONIA

    Physics Or Biology?

    Right now, I'm a toss up Between Physics and Biology. Now, Physics apparently goes with Chemistry a lot better, but Biology has a little bit more interest towards the degree I'm going for (Medicine, Medical Science etc). Plus, our Physics teacher hasn't taught the HSC for four years, and...
  10. pandaaMONIA

    Study hours regarding working...

    Okay, so I was employed by Myer over the Christmas break, and they've just rung and left a message saying they want me to come back and work as a casual. This is all good and fine, as it's money, and every teenager needs that :P. But, the problem is that I'm aiming for a 99UAI and above, to...
  11. pandaaMONIA

    A problem has appeared!

    And this isn't pokemon!!!11!!. No, seriously guys :P Amazingly, I came home to find one of my Japanese Teachers had left me a voicemail, stating The Open High School, for next year, is running HSC Chinese Beginners. She also mentioned that she thinks I would be a good candidate for this...
  12. pandaaMONIA

    Need Help with School Selection :S

    Okay; So I have a problem arising on my hands. I am currently finishing year 10 at Picnic Point High School (ranked 380 something). My Mum wants me to move schools. But, for the life of me, I cannot think of ANY school around my current school; Or at least close enough to get to, daily...
  13. pandaaMONIA

    Choice of Chinese for Year Eleven?

    Well, I'm currently a Year Ten student studying at you guessed it! A year Ten level. I want to study Chinese along with other subjects for senior years and HSC, but my school only offers Japanese beginners/Continuers/Extension. I consulted one of my Japanese teachers, whom told me she would...