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Would u still do English (1 Viewer)


Mar 9, 2008
English as it currently is, isn't really English-its Literature
there should be a subject which is actually English, and should not only focus on communication through analyzing literature, but also through philosophy, reasoning etc.
And i do agree with the people who think its unfair that it counts in their best 10u, nd it probably does prevent some people from achieving 100uai, 99.95 atar (wateva).
personally i wouldn't do English, cause i think its quite pointless
i did philosophy distinction course, and it is much better at improving your communication skills


Come at me bro
Sep 7, 2007
Uni Grad
Hey there students of NSW!

If English was a non compulsory subject would you still chose it?? Do you believe that learning about Hamlet and literary techniques will help u in your life?? This is just a curious question to see how everyone feels about English as a subject

OR!!! Shoudl the English corse be reformed so that rather then all "Text apreciation as my teacher puts it" they should change it like maths and have the General corse for practical applications of English rather then text apreciation and have the Adv corse for the theoretical stuff
QLD already do a similar thing to this. They have one level of English which is all about the basics, and another for studying literature. A good idea, methinks.


Sep 11, 2008
I'd like to reiterate that i DO NOT agree with English counting towards ATAR, however i still stand by the fact that English should be compulsory. Yes you may leave school in year 10 with that level of English, however if you are going to use this argument then why continue on to tertiary studies? If your perfectly capable of being a productive member of society after year 10, then whats the point?

As a race, we should strive to further their education. If we were to just give up after year 10 where would we end up?

Im assuming here you are very maths inclined, do you do any humanities? I do business studies and ancient history and i find that the English course is very beneficial to the type of responses expected in those subjects. Again id like to refer to my previous post about logic and rational thinking.

Perhaps the only way to encourage people to take the English subject seriously is to make it compulsory, i know if it didnt count towards my ATAR i would not put in HALF the effort i do now. Its not ideal, but personally i think its essential.

having said that, everyone is entitled to their opinions and i respect that.
by having english compuslory but not compusory towards the atar would simply cause many students doing 12 units, getting 0 in english and defeating the whole purpose of english as a common subject for moderation.

we're not giving up after year 10, just on english

at OP's question: i would not do english if it was compulsory, i'm getting high band 2 for english and low band 6/high band 5 for the rest
lucky sam says i can afford a band 2 in english and still get a high enough atar for engo or comp sci with the bonus points

what i would prefer is a system where either maths or english is compulsory and using the people who do both for the moderation, i know this will be flawed but it will keep more people satisfied.

in the end you can't really do anything though, its all up the the board of studies
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Mar 20, 2007
You have taken me out of context if you had read my statement i said FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE ENGLISH FOR 11 YEARS, not once did i mention other contries nor cultures. I am quite cultured my self I learn History and take part in many multicultural activities, I live in a multicultural society. I was stating why continue being forced do so something like English if you have allready studdyed it for 11 years when 11 years of studdying that language is more then sufficiant for most of the jobs out there. If you want to learn about culture do society and culture, if you were going to go to another country do other languages but the main focus of that statement was directed at ENGLISH as a LANGUAGE subject and seeing as ENGLSIH is the most widly used language of this contry and is the TOPIC of this thread what else would I be making comment to??
I see that you still fail to spell after 11 years of english.


Dec 20, 2008
Doing HSC English aloows there to be a common subject. Also, if you can't bullshit, how the fuck do you expect to operate in the real world. I would still do English and derive meaning from shit that isn't there, just because I'm good at it. Then again I have awesome English teachers and generally good texts. To compensate for the shittyness of Tess my new 2U teacher gave us chicago. Woot.


Aug 7, 2008
I'd definitely still do it, but only because it is a subject I do well in... I don't really think it should be compulsory though, because it brings a lot of people down even though it isn't really very useful for real life, in terms of studying texts and all that - the course should really focus more on useful applications for daily life like spelling etc (if it's going to be compulsory), like it does in the USA

Although I do think it's good that there is a subject that everyone has to do. I just don't think literature studies (which is pretty much what English is at the moment) should be the compulsory one!!!
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Jun 28, 2008
Behind you
Uni Grad
Does anyone find that after studying English, the enjoyment of any text has diminished? For example when you're watching a movie, you find yourself noticing camera techniques...

I can see the usefullness of English in terms of communication (although the syllabus should be expanded to include something other than simply analysing literature).

But I don't see why only English is the compulsory one, when subjects such as maths also teach essential skills - even after leaving school, some people still can't manage their finances as they simply don't know how interest, etc works.

Besides, logic and reason using actual facts are just as important as skills learnt in English, no?


May 4, 2009
I can see the point of having english as compulsory (ie so that ppl can't get into uni and still not be able to read or write in english) but i reckon there should be a course that if you don't want to do it, and that if you have enough of a knowledge of english (say, year 10 level) then you can pass the exam without much diffuculty, then you just do the course and bludge all the way through. after all, it would still show that you know the basics of english.

to answer the question, no, i wouldn't do it, its not that i don't like it, i actually enjoy some aspects of it, and its not that i'm not good at it (i was ranked 1st in my year ten class) i just would prefer to spend the time at school working on four unit maths.


New Member
Jun 30, 2009
indeed we do.

there is no farking chance that i would do english at all if it wasn't compulsory. that said, if english was more about the english language, i would do it for sure.
Agreed: it amazes me that people who have grown up in this country can't construct a coherent sentence to save their lives.
And, no, I wouldn't choose to take English if it weren't compulsory: although I respect it as a subject, I hate the elitism that goes along with it. And an understanding of the structure of the language, of its grammar and etymology would surely be more useful to us than analysing texts.


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Sadly enough, having done English, I would do it again... It is painful, but as it has been said, the bullshitting ability you can gain is amazing! And useful. Cynicism is a great gift, and English has reinforced that... :D

Also, I think that they (the Board) put it there so that people are forced, in a way, to look at the world in a different perspective... ie. so that people who just sit at home and study maths and science all day can look at things like art, and think for themselves....
It forces people to realise that there is more than one way of doing things. (I’m not saying that they can’t do this I’m saying that they are safeguarding against that)
I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would gladly go and do 4U Math and 6U of Sciences, and use that for their units. The board thinks this is inappropriate.

With English, to do it well, you generally need free thought, something which maths and sciences as a general whole, do not have. The ability to think outside the box is an important trait to attain.
Esp. if you want to go into things like scientific research!!!

I'm would assume that most people who do the HSC want to go to uni, and sorry to ruin the party, but YOU DO ESSAYS, you have to. If you simply "stop" writing essays in year ten, your ability will deteriorate. A lot.

For that lovely concept of context, I am doing a science degree, and I have a Law subject in it (amongst other things), and we have been told right from the off that if you simply regurgitate the study guide, you will be cut to ribbons. It is about free interpretation of the legal system.

By keeping English there, the Board is ensuring that there is no chance of whinging nerds coming up in uni and saying that “Our education was inadequate because we can’t write essays”. And I’m sure you can see that someone somewhere would try to do that?

People generally do advanced or standard, with ESL etc not being as common. This means the Board can... I guess gauge the year on its performance in English.

So in other words, with that, YES I would do English.... though I guess that if they forced you to do a humanity, like legal or business, that could work...?

Lol End Rant.
I disagree because the structure and pretty much point of essays are all the same. My essays now are the same as my year 10 essays except they are on different topics (obviously) and i'm still getting top marks. And plus, you pretty much only have to do one essay a term for advanced english right now anyway, so unless you're one of those people who practise their essays 24/7 then you're not getting much practise. Essays are basic to write; your memory is easily refreshed even if you forget them.

Personally, i'd prefer to do english without it counting towards my top 10 units. I love class and the discussions in it but the assignments are a waste of time and it's not needed. Why would a person who wishes to be an engineer need to know how to analyse texts?

Plenty of people know how to see things from another perspective and if you don't know how to BS properly after year 10, i highly doubt 2 years worth of extra english classes would help you.

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