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Atheism - Discussion thread (3 Viewers)


Aug 31, 2008
Question: How can you say this:

If you say this?
I mean i do not know Christ fully... I am what you might like to call a young Christian. My walk in Christ isnt fully mature and i need to seek him more.


Jan 24, 2010
actually, i dont really know Christ, however it is my aim to... my parents have nothing to do with it.

If you want to get technical about things then why shouldn't i say that you're in a cult. I mean you have been indoctrinated by the media en masse, by others, by your limited understanding and by the hegemonic ideals presented in our world today, not to believe... you're a product of the times.

In this thread i was simply presenting my own opinions... not in any way im i forcing you to believe in God or seek Christ... nobody can force anyone to believe... it is your own choice, however as the Bible says, 'Seek and you shall find.' Thus if you search for God he will reveal himself to you.

Please, keep your pity comments to yourself.
Very sad stuff. I really pity morons like you because you actually think you're going to heaven or 'know' Christ or something. Your mind is on par with the cult members who worshiped Zeus, Thor etc.

Yes you are presenting 'your own opinions', and I'm educating you about how wrong they are, you've demonstrated to us that you're the type of idiot who learns by commandment, so here I am, commanding you what to think.
Now first lesson; get this through your head,
Jesus aint gonna save you.


Aug 31, 2008
Very sad stuff. I really pity morons like you because you actually think you're going to heaven or 'know' Christ or something. Your mind is on par with the cult members who worshiped Zeus, Thor etc.

Yes you are presenting 'your own opinions', and I'm educating you about how wrong they are, you've demonstrated to us that you're the type of idiot who learns by commandment, so here I am, commanding you what to think.
Now first lesson; get this through your head,
Jesus aint gonna save you.
...you just dont get it.

God Bless you.


Aug 31, 2008
No, I don't.
Please explain to me how the execution of an innocent person (i.e Jesus) can relinquish an unborn person of their 'sins'
ok i dont think this is going to satisfy you anyway because im sure you will just come up with other silly reasonings.

Jesus represented the sacrifice for man. He was God as a man. Just as in the old times the Jews would give sin offerings by sacrificing animals at an altar, Jesus did the same for us.

With my posts i did not intend to create some kind of debate. I merely want people to know that religion does not save. This is because when ppl speak about God, prayer and church they instantly think of some Catholic priest saying some kind of mass. But as it is in the Bible, it is Christ that saves, not religiosity such as praying to saints or following the pope.


Jan 24, 2010
Jesus represented the sacrifice for man. He was God as a man. Just as in the old times the Jews would give sin offerings by sacrificing animals at an altar, Jesus did the same for us.
I'm sorry but who was he trying to impress? Who was accepting this 'offering'?God? But you admitted it yourself..He was God as a man...so he offered to kill himself, to himself....
Nauseating nonsense.

I mean how do you get from 'people have 'sins'' to 'an innocent person must thus be executed'. Deeply disturbing logic.
But such sinister and absurd nonsense is to be expected as soon as you ask a cult member to explain himself.


Aug 31, 2008
I'm sorry but who was he trying to impress? Who was accepting this 'offering'?God? But you admitted it yourself..He was God as a man...so he offered to kill himself, to himself....
Nauseating nonsense.

I mean how do you get from 'people have 'sins'' to 'an innocent person must thus be executed'. Deeply disturbing logic.
But such sinister and absurd nonsense is to be expected as soon as you ask a cult member to explain himself.
you make me lol...

God exists in 3 persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To come to earth he must have taken the form of man... but this isnt going to make a difference for you...

In every single one of my posts you have taken out the bits you dont like and have felt the need to challenge and question them. Why is this? are you feeling some kind of conviction? if you are so strongly against God and the teachings of Jesus you wouldnt feel the need to reply to what i said in the first place because it shouldnt matter to you as you simply dont believe and whatever i say should just fly past you. However you felt the need to say something because obviously within you there is some kind of doubt and emptiness. You obviously are afraid of what will be found after death... What does this tell you and others? You obviously feel that God exists but dont want to admit it because your too proud.

You keep trying to rebut my comments with the same sad little comments...this is just stupidity.

As i said b4 [and you conveniently left out - selective reading maybe?] my intention wasnt to create debate... As you clearly feel a conviction i would challenge you pray and ask God to give you an understanding of Him and His Word. You may want to even attend your local Pentecostal church and ask some questions there.

What more can i say, I cannot and will not judge you and if you are not ignorant you will see that in all of these posts i have in no way judged you or others, I hope you do pray and start reading the Bible.

All the best.

God Bless you.


Jan 24, 2010
you make me lol...

God exists in 3 persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To come to earth he must have taken the form of man... but this isnt going to make a difference for you...

In every single one of my posts you have taken out the bits you dont like and have felt the need to challenge and question them. Why is this? are you feeling some kind of conviction? if you are so strongly against God and the teachings of Jesus you wouldnt feel the need to reply to what i said in the first place because it shouldnt matter to you as you simply dont believe and whatever i say should just fly past you. However you felt the need to say something because obviously within you there is some kind of doubt and emptiness. You obviously are afraid of what will be found after death... What does this tell you and others? You obviously feel that God exists but dont want to admit it because your too proud.

You keep trying to rebut my comments with the same sad little comments...this is just stupidity.

As i said b4 [and you conveniently left out - selective reading maybe?] my intention wasnt to create debate... As you clearly feel a conviction i would challenge you pray and ask God to give you an understanding of Him and His Word. You may want to even attend your local Pentecostal church and ask some questions there.

What more can i say, I cannot and will not judge you and if you are not ignorant you will see that in all of these posts i have in no way judged you or others, I hope you do pray and start reading the Bible.

All the best.

God Bless you.
Biggest laugh I've had all week, 'god exists in 3 persons', 'to come to earth he must have taken the form of man'..

classic stuff.

But yea you evaded my question about the execution of Jesus..the whole part about why God (who came to earth in the form of Jesus) offered himself for sacrifice - to appease himself - and thus cleanse the 'sins' of his creations.
Steer clear of operating any heavy machinery this week okay mate? You're minds clearly gone a bit rotten.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Biggest laugh I've had all week, 'god exists in 3 persons', 'to come to earth he must have taken the form of man'..

classic stuff.

But yea you evaded my question about the execution of Jesus..the whole part about why God (who came to earth in the form of Jesus) offered himself for sacrifice - to appease himself - and thus cleanse the 'sins' of his creations.
Steer clear of operating any heavy machinery this week okay mate? You're minds clearly gone a bit rotten.
Lol I agree.

Micuzzo, you're barking mad buddy.


Dec 27, 2009
Lol I agree.

Micuzzo, you're barking mad buddy.
Nah he's cool :cool:

Biggest laugh I've had all week, 'god exists in 3 persons', 'to come to earth he must have taken the form of man'..

classic stuff.

But yea you evaded my question about the execution of Jesus..the whole part about why God (who came to earth in the form of Jesus) offered himself for sacrifice - to appease himself - and thus cleanse the 'sins' of his creations.
Steer clear of operating any heavy machinery this week okay mate? You're minds clearly gone a bit rotten.
Lololololol looks like someone needs a scripture lesson, gather around kids....

Ok the trinity is one of the most confusing aspects of the scripture. The Bible doesn't fully explain it, but it does to a degree describe how it works, in various verses.

The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also teaches that there is only one God. The trinity describes God existing in three Persons, however it doesn't describe three seperate Gods, it describes all three Persons are referring to the same, single God.

For example, Genesis 1:26

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Note the plural. Genesis was written by Moses way before the comming of Jesus Christ on Earth.

The members of the Trinity are distinguished one from another (the Father, the Son and the Spirit) in various passages throughout both the OT and NT.

As one example;

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." John 14:16-17

Here we see the seperation of the Son (Jesus speaking) and the Father.

Despite being three Persons, each "part" of the trinity is God.

The Father is God

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." John 6:27

The Son is God

"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" Colossians 2:9

The Holy Spirit is God

"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?" Corinthians 3:16

Scripture shows there is subordination within the three Persons. The Holy Spirit is subordinate to the Son, and the Son subordinate to the Father. This is an internal relationship and does not deny the deity of any person of the Trinity.

The individual members of the trinity have different tasks.

The Father is the ultimate creator of everything in the universe, divine revelation, salvation and Jesus's human works.

The Son (Jesus Christ) is the agent through which the Father created and maintains the universe, divine revelation and salvation.

The Holy Spirit is the means by which the Father created and maintains the universe, divine revelation, salvation and Jesus' works.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not parts of God; each of them is God. They are not God in three seperate forms either, each is God.

So to answer your original question, the Father did not send the Son down to Earth as a means of appeasing Himself. Christ was sent down to Earth to act as the agent of mankinds salvation, His sacrifice was required to redeeme us from all our sins, allowing us to pass into the Kingdom of God in the next life.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Let's face it:
Christianity is just thinly veiled polytheism.


Dec 27, 2009
oh save it alex
Lol, gotta help a brother out ;)

Let's face it:
Christianity is just thinly veiled polytheism.
No its not, because each of them is God. There is only one God, he acts in different ways, but He remains as one God.

Polytheism is when you believe in multiple Gods. Christians only ever pray to one, that is to say, the God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2009
the trinity isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible
True, the word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture. This is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune God—three coexistent, co-eternal Persons who make up God. Of real importance is that the concept represented by the word “Trinity” does exist in Scripture, as my quotes in my other post demonstrate.


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
The Abrahamic faiths had Pagan/Egyptian Origin.

People throughout the centuries recycled many stories and borrowed concepts from other civilizations.

A type of religious plagarism that to most people remain undetected but if you read into further and find proper sources you'll see the truth behind most of these religions.


Awesome Member
Mar 28, 2008
Lol at people who jump to the conclusion that Atheists arguing against Christianity are "in doubt" about their beliefs. A typically Christian thing to do IMO - to assume that everyone actually believes in this supernatural "god" nonsense and is deliberately pushing it away. We're not here worshipping the devil people, we simply don't believe there IS one.

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