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what proof is there that god exists? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 25, 2008
the other one is a means to an end while this thread is the end.it cuts the middle man.of rebuffing and arguing.

if no one can provide a rationale reason that "god" exists than therefore we can safely conclude that he doesn't.

personally i find that god is a "feeling" rather than an intellectual belief.it just makes people feel good thats all.And there's always a choice between using your'e reason or youre emotions.i find that resons are mentally benefitial while emotions are physically benefitial.thats my philosophy anyway.
ur an idiot.
because those interested enough to reply to your thread, can't convince you that god does exist, you're willing to accept the fact that god does not exist?

i find it silly that you would choose to believe that god does not exist because people are not bringing the answers to you, it seems to me that you think because YOU can't see god, YOU can't hear god, etcetc you choose to believe that god does not exist.

what if i asked you, you can't see air/oxygen. how do you know its there? you can't see it, how can you be so sure? if i asked you to prove to me yourself, that you need oxygen to live. would you be able to? or would you get some others research or proof to prove that to me, or get someone far more intelligent to explain it to me? does that mean if i get a large lot of information that proves that god exists, that you'd be willing to read it and believe it?
how do you even know that you need oxygen to breathe and live.
what if i told you that it was all a hoax and that infact you don't need it to survive. but wait, you choose to believe it because everybody else says so, and thats what you've been told. so if everybody told you that god exists, does that mean you would believe that also, if not, then why not?
Aug 16, 2007
what if i asked you, you can't see air/oxygen. how do you know its there? you can't see it, how can you be so sure? if i asked you to prove to me yourself, that you need oxygen to live. would you be able to? or would you get some others research or proof to prove that to me, or get someone far more intelligent to explain it to me? does that mean if i get a large lot of information that proves that god exists, that you'd be willing to read it and believe it?
how do you even know that you need oxygen to breathe and live.
what if i told you that it was all a hoax and that infact you don't need it to survive. but wait, you choose to believe it because everybody else says so, and thats what you've been told. so if everybody told you that god exists, does that mean you would believe that also, if not, then why not?
Hold your breath.


Aug 15, 2009
what if i asked you, you can't see air/oxygen. how do you know its there? you can't see it, how can you be so sure? if i asked you to prove to me yourself, that you need oxygen to live.
It's fairly trivial to prove it from a biological standpoint, we live entirely due to aerobic respiration. Without oxygen to facilitate what is effectively energy transfer in our blood our cells start to die as they no longer have the energy to run.

You're not very good at this.

would you be able to? or would you get some others research or proof to prove that to me, or get someone far more intelligent to explain it to me? does that mean if i get a large lot of information that proves that god exists, that you'd be willing to read it and believe it?
how do you even know that you need oxygen to breathe and live.
what if i told you that it was all a hoax and that infact you don't need it to survive. but wait, you choose to believe it because everybody else says so, and thats what you've been told. so if everybody told you that god exists, does that mean you would believe that also, if not, then why not?
Then you just hold your breath and pray the oxygen away!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Proof as a concept can not quantify everything which does or does not exist around us. The concept of proof is to find evidence (of which in many instances is limited especially considering the circumstances). Just because there is a lack of evidence say for somebody comitting a murder, that does not mean they have not comitted a murder. Now that's just a murder case which by its very nature is laden in physical evidence and generally there are remains which are left behind. Remains which can be gathered and measured with very little physical barriers.

How do you prove something which occured before time? or is at work at present yet is only observing and in many/all instances is not interfering? It's simple... the concept of proof does not work in this environment. Yet you people keep insisting that there should be evidence. What hypothesis in this realm has physical evidence? None.

Double standards are bad.


Aug 15, 2009
How do you prove something which occured before time? or is at work at present yet is only observing and in many/all instances is not interfering? It's simple... the concept of proof does not work in this environment. Yet you people keep insisting that there should be evidence. What hypothesis in this realm has physical evidence? None.
You discount the outright stupid. That is to say, if there is a deity, what means it is even interested in human affairs

or is the one from your specific religious texts which were concocted thousands of years ago.

Sorry but anyone with half a brain wouldn't buy it because it is utterly absurd.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
ur an idiot.
because those interested enough to reply to your thread, can't convince you that god does exist, you're willing to accept the fact that god does not exist?

i find it silly that you would choose to believe that god does not exist because people are not bringing the answers to you, it seems to me that you think because YOU can't see god, YOU can't hear god, etcetc you choose to believe that god does not exist.

what if i asked you, you can't see air/oxygen. how do you know its there? you can't see it, how can you be so sure? if i asked you to prove to me yourself, that you need oxygen to live. would you be able to? or would you get some others research or proof to prove that to me, or get someone far more intelligent to explain it to me? does that mean if i get a large lot of information that proves that god exists, that you'd be willing to read it and believe it?
how do you even know that you need oxygen to breathe and live.
what if i told you that it was all a hoax and that infact you don't need it to survive. but wait, you choose to believe it because everybody else says so, and thats what you've been told. so if everybody told you that god exists, does that mean you would believe that also, if not, then why not?
We should strangle you and see what happens.


Sep 18, 2009
Which God are you talking about......?
Zues? Rah? Thor? Ganesh? Jesus?
how do you know which one to pick?
Oh wait, let me guess, you parents picked for you..yea, you see, that's how every single cult survives, due to evolution by natural selection, we absorb what our parents tell us during early childhood.
If natural selection exists why the hell is a useless fool like you still here?


Mar 13, 2010
anywhere but next to you :)
bible, quran and the jewish scripture :)

they all believe in the same god
and theyre three popular religions

and plus..
if you dont believe in God, then no one is going to kill you but its going to take a piece of you away.

okay for example,
would you rather live, be good, follow rules, love people, treat everyone nicely, and know that your being watched by someone/something which means your going to be rewarded?

or would you rather live your life, not hurting people, being kind etc etc and believing that theres no one watching everything you do which means your not going to be rewarded for your good deeds?

i mean.. personally, if i didnt believe in God, i rekon it would corrupt me.. it would make me depressed because like, whats the point of life if you dont believe someone, somewhere, sometime, is going to reward you?

so yeah, i dont know about the rest of you but i hope what i said makes sense :)

and you dont always need evidence to believe in god you know..
but look around you..
look at how God had the ability to create a uniuverse that could hold so much...
look at how the earth orbits and ask yourself who's making all this possible.
and look at how animals live and look at yourself.. study the human body and ask yourself who could have the love to create us so beautifully and create life so beautifully. :)

its not a coincidence.. its not because of the big bang theory.. its because of God :)


Mar 13, 2010
anywhere but next to you :)
Which God are you talking about......?
Zues? Rah? Thor? Ganesh? Jesus?
how do you know which one to pick?
Oh wait, let me guess, you parents picked for you..yea, you see, that's how every single cult survives, due to evolution by natural selection, we absorb what our parents tell us during early childhood.

not everyone follows their parents religion.

maybe when they're a baby, but i know a lot of people who have converted by the time they become 19+ :)

no one would follow a religion if they dont 100% believe in it :)
all the people that grow up believing in something that theyre not 100% convinced with form curiosity and go out and research themselves.

all the people that have converted have told me that they used to feel something wasnt right with their belief and so when they became old enough they done their own research.

i mean.. if you believe in God, and you believe that he's going to reward you and you believe what youve been brought up to believe in is wrong, why would you lay low and not do anything about it?

at the end of the day its every man for themself :)
on judgement day, if you follow a rong religion because you were brought up in it, and God questions why you followed it, you parents are not gona be they're saying ''oh um, God? um yeah, sorry that was my fault, he had no choice'' lol nah mate, evryone is going to worry about themself :)
your own mother isnt going to give a crapp shes gona worry about saving herself not you :p

so yeah, i rekon 20% of people born into a religion which they think is wrong remain quiet about it, but the other 80% actually stand up for themselves :)


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
bible, quran and the jewish scripture :)

okay for example,
would you rather live, be good, follow rules, love people, treat everyone nicely, and know that your being watched by someone/something which means your going to be rewarded?

or would you rather live your life, not hurting people, being kind etc etc and believing that theres no one watching everything you do which means your not going to be rewarded for your good deeds?

i mean.. personally, if i didnt believe in God, i rekon it would corrupt me.. it would make me depressed because like, whats the point of life if you dont believe someone, somewhere, sometime, is going to reward you?
It's nice to know that the only reason why you act moral is through fear of God. What kind of morality, if it can be said to be at all, is that?

I would definitely commit to the second option; in fact, I feel that I am ethically obliged to. It's a commitment to doing well for my fellow man, a simple love of my species & a strive to help humanity move forward into better times. Personally, that is what morality is about. I’d google secular humanism.

Pleasing a greedy, malevolent & jealous deity is the last thing on my list.

In the end, if I'm wrong as atheist and assuming God is "perfect" as Christians prescribe, I have no doubt that he would award the person who did good for good's sake as opposed to doing it for selfish gain :)

Would you kill and plunder if you knew there was no eternal punishment waiting?
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Nov 22, 2009
bible, quran and the jewish scripture :)

they all believe in the same god
and theyre three popular religions

and plus..
if you dont believe in God, then no one is going to kill you but its going to take a piece of you away.

okay for example,
would you rather live, be good, follow rules, love people, treat everyone nicely, and know that your being watched by someone/something which means your going to be rewarded?

or would you rather live your life, not hurting people, being kind etc etc and believing that theres no one watching everything you do which means your not going to be rewarded for your good deeds?

i mean.. personally, if i didnt believe in God, i rekon it would corrupt me.. it would make me depressed because like, whats the point of life if you dont believe someone, somewhere, sometime, is going to reward you?

so yeah, i dont know about the rest of you but i hope what i said makes sense :)

and you dont always need evidence to believe in god you know..
but look around you..
look at how God had the ability to create a uniuverse that could hold so much...
look at how the earth orbits and ask yourself who's making all this possible.
and look at how animals live and look at yourself.. study the human body and ask yourself who could have the love to create us so beautifully and create life so beautifully. :)

its not a coincidence.. its not because of the big bang theory.. its because of God :)
I'm sorry, as I'm not usually so vociferous or impetuous, though I must ask you this: Are you an utter imbecile????? Not content with your own incompetancy you feel the need to exemplify it? Again; I apologise, as you are probably a perfectly nice person, and do not deserve my ranting; however, this I must rant:

Are you, in the above quote, implying you are only satisfied with being kind to others because you beleive you will be rewarded in the afterlife for being nice? How utterly inhumane are you? Are you really only nice to others for reward?? I am an atheist, and I am as pertinent to as many people as I possibly can, not because I am fearful of punishment or avaricious for reward, but because I believe that it is right to be nice to others. Treat others as you would yourself. I am kind to others because being kind is humane and virtuous, not for any selfish means as you seem to present in your quote. I am nearly incredulous at your sheer inhumanity. How can you exemplify such egregiousness?

I leave you with a quote from Einstein: "...If people are good only because they fear punishment, or hope for reward, then we are a sad lot indeed..."

If I miss understand your quote, I apologise; if not, my mind simply can not contemplate your ideology; just as each of our minds here can by no means contemplate fully the proposed science behind the 'Big Bang' theory or anything else from science that any of us preach for or against. Regardless of everything I have just said, however this arguement turns out, I highly doubt any of us here will change our opinions from its content.


Mar 13, 2010
anywhere but next to you :)
I'm sorry, as I'm not usually so vociferous or impetuous, though I must ask you this: Are you an utter imbecile????? Not content with your own incompetancy you feel the need to exemplify it? Again; I apologise, as you are probably a perfectly nice person, and do not deserve my ranting; however, this I must rant:

Are you, in the above quote, implying you are only satisfied with being kind to others because you beleive you will be rewarded in the afterlife for being nice? How utterly inhumane are you? Are you really only nice to others for reward?? I am an atheist, and I am as pertinent to as many people as I possibly can, not because I am fearful of punishment or avaricious for reward, but because I believe that it is right to be nice to others. Treat others as you would yourself. I am kind to others because being kind is humane and virtuous, not for any selfish means as you seem to present in your quote. I am nearly incredulous at your sheer inhumanity. How can you exemplify such egregiousness?

I leave you with a quote from Einstein: "...If people are good only because they fear punishment, or hope for reward, then we are a sad lot indeed..."

If I miss understand your quote, I apologise; if not, my mind simply can not contemplate your ideology; just as each of our minds here can by no means contemplate fully the proposed science behind the 'Big Bang' theory or anything else from science that any of us preach for or against. Regardless of everything I have just said, however this arguement turns out, I highly doubt any of us here will change our opinions from its content.

if i offended you in anyway, i take it back.

i know, i probably sounded greedy by making it sound like im only nice because i fear God, but to be honest that was my fear when i was growing up, ive grown up in a religious family where i was taught that jesus was watching over everything i do and that he can destroy or praise anyone he wants to by their good/bad deeds. and so as i was growing up, i was scared because of that reason.

NOW, however, i could honestly say that being nice is in my blood but if i WAS to turn atheist, it would, for me, be beyond what im used to and so i would feel like there is a missing piece of myself. Do you understand where im coming from?

Im not, in anyway, (and im sorry if it sounded like it) trying to say anything bad about atheists.. I actually have atheist friends :) but i was just answering the thread and that bit where i talked about being depressed if i ever turned atheist..well i didnt actually mean it in a bad way, it sounded better in my head..

sorry again if i offended you.
All my atheist friends are equally as nice as all my other religious friends, so don't get me wrong, i love athesist. :)

hope you don't think im an imbecile.. i just usually fuck up my 1st/2nd/3rd etc impressions because what im thinking doesnt always come out good in writing lol.

:) so yeah. All good?

P.S: if you still think im an imbecile then... i'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourself lol, i don't know if youve been up to date with my posts but ive been getting into arguments with trolls on bos :) and so if your another one of them then.. i dont really want to know what you think lol .. sorry to come off rude in this bit but im just sick of everyone in here that take sides because im the new girl.. even though im probably nicer than all the bitches that have been neg repping me all because im new lol

pathetic, i know :)
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Mar 13, 2010
anywhere but next to you :)
read my above post.

It's nice to know that the only reason why you act moral is through fear of God. What kind of morality, if it can be said to be at all, is that?

I would definitely commit to the second option; in fact, I feel that I am ethically obliged to. It's a commitment to doing well for my fellow man, a simple love of my species & a strive to help humanity move forward into better times. Personally, that is what morality is about. I’d google secular humanism.

Pleasing a greedy, malevolent & jealous deity is the last thing on my list.

In the end, if I'm wrong as atheist and assuming God is "perfect" as Christians prescribe, I have no doubt that he would award the person who did good for good's sake as opposed to doing it for selfish gain :)

Would you kill and plunder if you knew there was no eternal punishment waiting?
ofcourse i wont.

i understand how this may have sounded bad but i didnt mean ''if i didnt know someone was going to reward me for my good deeds then fuk it im gona go kill everyone'' .. i meant, SOME people wouldnt put their heart and soul.. i mean,yeah, they would act nice and all that stuff but they wouldnt make the effort in making donations (for e.g) because they would be reliant on others and think ''ahh, religious people are proably bound to give donations because they actually believe theyll be rewarded so ill just go and use this for my own family instead'' << this is just an example and its just my personal thinking, im not saying everyone thinks like this.. im probably wrong. but its what i kind of think.

im sorry if it ofended you but i honestly didnt mean any harm by it.

like i said, i love everyone and i dont hate people because of who they choose to be. At the end of the day we're all humans and we have equal rights.

so yeah, hope its all cool.:)


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
read my above post.

ofcourse i wont.

i understand how this may have sounded bad but i didnt mean ''if i didnt know someone was going to reward me for my good deeds then fuk it im gona go kill everyone'' .. i meant, SOME people wouldnt put their heart and soul.. i mean,yeah, they would act nice and all that stuff but they wouldnt make the effort in making donations (for e.g) because they would be reliant on others and think ''ahh, religious people are proably bound to give donations because they actually believe theyll be rewarded so ill just go and use this for my own family instead'' << this is just an example and its just my personal thinking, im not saying everyone thinks like this.. im probably wrong. but its what i kind of think.

im sorry if it ofended you but i honestly didnt mean any harm by it.

like i said, i love everyone and i dont hate people because of who they choose to be. At the end of the day we're all humans and we have equal rights.

so yeah, hope its all cool.:)
Lol don't fear its all cool...its only an internet forum after all, its actually impossible to offend me (and I'm guessing 99% of the people on here).

Its a serious question for the theist as to whether, given the assumption that God exists, he is the foundation of our ethical system. As you may have seen presented, I believe that the factual observation of human nature and philosophical arguments suport this to be false. Seemingly you appear to agree that you can be moral independent of God.

The question then that I leave you to ponder is, why bother continuing to believe in God at all? Why is he needed?

Good day


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Also the whole infinite regression that the teleological argument leads to.

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