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  • Awesome. I'm sure if u set your goals and stick to what you wanna do, nothing will stop you from becoming a vet
    good, excluding such things as the incredibly stupid HSC. if we only could learn stuff for the fun of it...... those were the days. sigh
    I really dont know. I tossing up between researcher, teacher, travelling and fun stuff like that.

    I know what you meant...i think XD
    like b4, sonic sooled sorta fluffy, now he looks like you could impale a few people on his hair-do

    what do u wanna do at uni?
    hey :)
    not bad, got a couple of tests this week at uni, studying/procrastinating, the usual :p
    how've u been?
    I'm thinking a batch Arts/Science would b fun-majoring in Jap, Phil, and a load of sciences chucked in together. Love racking up that hex Y-Y

    OOOoooooooocrash, love that game, always played in on the ye old playstation. Now they are up to ps3, and crash 015164541543545...or something close.

    As for the teachers, ill kidnap my physics teacher (he is awesome), and u kidnap your chem........then we'll make em teach us science? lol i didnt even know where that was going
    Im expecting high 70s-low 80s for maths, thats about my average mark - its all i need for my ATAR lol

    Yeah its strange, I've started feeling old recently - like in the last year or so....its horrible Y-Y
    Like i remember when i used to play this game on the computers at primary school, where you were a triangle, and u had to shoot down other people in this maze thingy hehehe it was fun

    I'll prob just try my hardest to teach myself next year, along with the teacher
    XD, it was the day of our maths exam, and our head of maths was in the hall with us. at the start of the exam he said something like "dont worry its not the apocalypse, but if something does happen, the exits are here, here and here (points to the exits) and oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling in an emergency (points to the ceiling)"
    made me laugh

    bio sounds fun, wish we had a party for a class...ahh well there is alway next year. tehehehe, dont you love that, and you try not to laugh, so instead of coming out your mouth it comes out your nose

    I had a chem test today, and failed miserabley...but so did the rest of the class, we need a new teacher desperately. Rest of the day i studied/procrastinated lol
    I woke up at 6.30 and looked out my window, it was blood red...i thought it was just the suns rays lol. It felts horrible in your throat

    Hows your day been?
    Um, I'm not sure.
    Oh wait, she's having a joint birthday party next weekend.
    I want to be 18 too *le sigh*. I'm waiting for December- only 70-71 days I think :)

    < <
    > >
    I'll do that when I get really desperate. But, Ancient is on the same day (WHAT WERE THE PLANNERS THINKING?!)
    My all time favorite would have to be code geass, even if its just because of the ending hehe
    Oooo, and princess mononoke, Miyazaki is amazing
    Awesome. I could be your bday present XD
    hi, my names tyson
    Hey, you like manga, thats great. I've only really got neon genesis in manga, though a dl a truck load of anime
    Have you got a fav?
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