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  • HAHAH :p id much prefer a camel over an elephant id have to say.. dont fancy gettin my suit wet with its trunk and all :L hHAhaha... how about i take the camel and u ride the elephant to your formal? then its a WIN-WIN situatuion!?
    nah i dont :p
    I know every day takes forever. Imagine Tuesday night. Be thinking in less then 24 hours this ordeal is overrr.
    Awesome another person for CSU.
    We can all be hanging around the bonfires in orange :D
    Oh man i so hope we make it!
    Yeh hes a cute kunt haha full into you man everytime we talk he jus mumbles about yu lik yu jus said :L
    I see you've met my mate jester.
    LOL i do have a massive massive crush on you :p
    I dont recall mumbling though..
    Dw your too UNIQUE too kill..
    5 days woooot.
    Don't envy.... u'll be done soon enough. ;p;
    It was alright.... but all the questions we were stressing about outside hoping they wouldn't be in there... were in the exam!

    LOl your soo funny... but is the nial polish any good... seriuosly i wanna grow my nails for formal:p I have to start formal shopping too=]
    hah yehp :p ROFL so to distract the zoo keeper from noticing a camel going missing .. we steal an elepahnt ?! hahaha.
    loolll thanks for the webiste.... i was looking for a nail polish that wouldn't break my nails;) they'll be as strong as that diamond. ps that was soo random... why'd u send me the site for lool?
    haha . surely theyd have camels.. yeah no one will notice. we can hide it in our pockets... i mean its only so HUGE :p hahahahahahha
    ahahah and where exactly would I hire a camel and a turban? LOL. il do it if you find me one!
    lol i started playing again

    i beat manchester city 5-0!!! go chelseaaaaaaaaa

    in the two days we've have had FIFA 10

    my best score



    screw uni, i can play this all day!!

    cant wait till after hsc
    lol, are u sure you didnt move to a farm

    i just woke up

    you know what i watched last night, the assination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

    good movie
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