Search results

  1. C

    ABW at St Andrew's College

    I did ABW State program in 2002 and they've sent me an offer to form an "ABW Alumni team"...fingers crossed (i'm not all that interested in doing anything business-related, but it really is just SOO Fun...)
  2. C

    So who else is planning on going here?

    No one...altho it's quite odd, since I live on the road of ACU and hardly ever notice it. It's a shame no one does, some of the flora is quite beautiful.
  3. C

    highest uai with no band 6's

    Wrong Minai, you don't see my point. Firstly, you only need very basic mathematics for vet and med, but if you want the UAI required for those courses, you gotta do 2/3 or 3/4 unit maths/english - otherwise in a lot of cases your UAI won't be high enough. and WALLA...BOS is responsible for...
  4. C

    100 UAIs

    Hehe and thanks truly bliss...I take it you went to Strathfield girls?
  5. C


    DON'T GO TO TRAINING COURSES...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! :chainsaw: I've become disillusioned with the medical entry requisites. It seems as tho everyone is making money out of it. The UMAT is costly enough as it is and your chances of passing are very slim, why waste more money? In fact...
  6. C

    Late round interview.

    man this sucks, I did a first round interview and prolly stuffed it up..GIMME A SECOND CHANCE-MY UAI IS HIGH NUFF SURELY!! Bleh.
  7. C

    UAI request

    LOL - ok.
  8. C

    highest uai with no band 6's

    BEGIN RANT :chainsaw: Meh, someone ought to write to BOS+UAC and tell 'em their whole system is screwed. People are no longer free to do what they feel they've got a passion for (or anything that could perhaps help them with their future career). Basically, if you want...
  9. C

    UAI & Scaling Statistics

    Yeah, increased competition is a bitch, isn't it? My prediction is it'll only get worse unless they CHANGE THE SYLLABUS NOW...bloddy conservative BOShit.
  10. C

    UAI request

    Ehh? I asked WHO s/he was... Gee spend too much time on these forums lol...i always feel as tho ur stalking me...
  11. C

    100 UAIs

    wtf? there's no Michael ballack from Homebush Boys' high...the guy who got 100 from our school was Martin weirdo...
  12. C

    So what school(s) are you all from?

  13. C

    Surnames in the paper

    HOW ABOUT THIS? WHICH PERSON'S NAME IN TOTAL TAKES UP THE MOST SPACE ?! So far I've spotted "Karthigeyan Kangasabapathy" - (from my school, hehehehe)
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    highest uai with no band 6's

    Rahul, you should've done 2/3 U maths...woulda taken you so much further.
  15. C

    UAI request

    Philip Chu goes to my school - he's a friend. Did quite well too. His UAI was 99.70, who is this?
  16. C

    UAI & Scaling Statistics

    With table A2 - the columns and rows show HSC marks VS scaled marks for different percentiles (place in the state). The values are out of 50 (50 marks per unit) and usually the lower your percentile (the worse you go), the worse you are scaled down (or up, as occasionally the case may be...see...
  17. C

    2003ers- Memorized Essays vs Adaptive Knowledge of Text

    Guys, I think you should all look at my post titled- " English Tip From An Accompished English Student: " All will be revealed and let's face it, if you stuff up english, you stuff up your UAI.
  18. C

    Advanced English 2003 HSC Marks

    I got 93 for adveng, 46 for ext eng... I refer you to my post: "English Tip From An Accompished English Student: "
  19. C

    is anyone going to the 8.30am thing for high achievers? (info day)

    Hmm, I'll go to kill time before the main round offers - most of my friends are also going anyways.