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  1. C

    Graphics Calculators-->Working Out

    If you're good with graphic calculators go for it! but it is a bit late for using graphic calculators in your last year! In the HSC, I found graphic calculators with too many functions confusing so stuck to the ones which weren't confusing and easy to use.
  2. C

    General Maths Help

    I agree past papers are a great tool. Like I went for the textbook, and I thought I was fine and then I switched in exam time to being a bit of a zombie. so then I went through past exam papers in 2.5 hours (my teacher was generous as well with class time revision) and then you go through the...
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    credit average

    I'm looking into transferring next year into education and there's a whole lot on going through VTAC if you want to go to a different uni in the same state. However, I don't have that problem as I want to switch within the same uni. During the 1st year, people are always switching across (a very...
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    failing your course.

    Without English, you risk failing your whole HSC. English is the foremost important followed by 4 other subjects or 5 depending on which one you choose. A 60 mark for English isn't too bad....I got 71 so its not too bad....but its still relatively hard and you really have to know how to write...
  5. C

    Teacher Pay Increases

    Of course I'd have to say that teachers and other occupations alike are different, pays and salary and what they have to do are all very different. I agree that some teachers are not suited to the job and that they do get a number of benefits. However, I think a majority of teachers deserve a...
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    The NSW system has a scaling. Which I hated! Those doing science type like subjects rated higher whilst others were rated lower. Your HSC mark is a combination mark of both the final exam at the end and the schools internal assessment mark. Out of 100 these two marks are usually around the same...
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    credit average

    Yea I did. Hmm...but very happy now to be at uni :d
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    How Do U Study For English ??

    Exam technique is definitely an advantage. Yes English is not easy to study for - the main thing you can do is know your material and past exam papers. For unseen texts try to guess what you think it will and attempt to make up questions and answers for them.
  9. C

    credit average

    University of Ballarat. AND before anyone says that the uni is crap. True - you can get it with fairly low scores, but the people are great and the experience is unreal for someone who has come from large school type backgrounds. yea i just got my marks back on a credit average - great news!
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    AH yes the other difference. QLD do it through internal marking. VIC mark out of 50 and UAI is out of 100 (half being the HSC mark and the other half being the school assessment mark).
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    Teacher Pay Increases

    Teachers deserve a pay rise. Look how little some of them get paid! Gees and to think that I want to become a teacher looking after some of you guys (future HSC er's and others...) They really are promoting - hey teaching is going up at uni, the HECS is staying the same it really shows there is...
  12. C

    How Do U Study For English ??

    I agree. If you write practice essays and get your English teacher to read over them just don't go overboard like I did! and do it all the time they get a bit annoyed! Practice writing under pressure, read key words from essay questions, do past exam papers and revise all your stuff for all the...
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    imagine this one guys. Melbourne is way better than Sydney..(sorry rivalry has to start somewhere!) the VCE is very similar to the HSC, the only thing different is course names and its the ENTER not UAI.
  14. C

    credit average

    As I see it if you move after your first year within the same year your UAI is not taken into consideration (not in Victoria anyways) Like if you have a credit or distinction average that maybe enough to move courses....However, when you're moving within your first year your ENTER score (I've...
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    credit average

    However, if it is within the same is not considered. it is different from any state. i dont really know about nsw as i don't need to know.
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    Sitting your HSC Exams Overseas

    hi i did! private msg me! cya...
  17. C

    credit average

    yes thats right! u can switch unis or whatever as long as you're mark is ok to switch...not uai that doesnt count anymore its your uni marks!
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    Latham or Howard?

    i just have a feeling about her...her views are too blunt and too narrow minded.
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    Latham or Howard?

    NEVER EVER SHOULD Pauline Hansen become PM. By this, I mean it big time, I hate her. Politicians are scums of the earth i reckon...but every votes counts, thats whats important.
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    Latham or Howard?

    i really think when things get political. things dont really seem to happen - they make promises that dont necessarily come true. politicians - are normal people but just make little things big for elections and that. but I'm not for John Howard, besides from the cool issue. I personally prefer...