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  1. K

    mystery thread (reward your curiosity)

    yea, g'luck guys! rip through em!
  2. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    oh yea of course, all the teacher common rooms have air con there's like one, in the music centre but of course, I don't do music :rolleyes: oh man, the food they get, so delicious! my ecos teacher was my study room teacher at point in time last year. used to bring coffee or tea for...
  3. K

    School Crazes/in things

    go big2!! that's such an asian game though, nearly every asian I know plays it. we had the same thing as lazy, 'cept we called it couching. that got us kicked out of the yr12 area quite a few times. broke a few windows too also had this shaving craze. some guy would bring in a shaver and...
  4. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    lol, the barker guys must have a ball, dancing with that many schools! we just got ol'meriden straithfield...wonder if there's anyone from there on here, lol.:D yea, money doesn't really count. you just end up with the dumb rich snobs, who are just there to absorb the glory of the school's...
  5. K

    some questions from trial/past papers

    I don't get what your saying there, cause 2:0 isn't much of a ratio. but I swear the answer was 1:1. The number of turns simply means how many times the wires been turned around the armature, but there's still only one armature. Also the amount of flux going through an armature is based on the...
  6. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    really? that makes sense jenjen. but does that mean that when there's the dance between abbotsleigh and barker, its when they're in yr9?? my memory must be rapidly deteriorating again :( hehe bex, that would be roger! yea, his a real freak! I went to his house once, and his shelves and...
  7. K

    what u wanna do next year??

    no idea, I never thought anyone I knew wanted to do engineering, til this year. comm/law, either syd or nsw. if not, then comm/science(adv).
  8. K

    Planck Vs Einstein

    lol, you don't even need to know what a transistor is - just say what impact transistors have had on society. you do need to compare the features of solid state devices to thermionic though :p oh yea, here's some interesting reading about the planck vs einstein thing. its from some book...
  9. K

    Religion pples HELP!!! or anyone else kind enuf!!!

    no problemo, just glad it works for you :) g'luck for sor! I do 1u sor, but since its my extra unit, won't be studying too hard for it, especially since I've got ecos the day before.
  10. K

    Projectile motion

    It's fine, but its a waste of time, since you'll be mainly just plugging formulas. for max height/range, your just rearranging the equations, so there's no real need to use calculus.
  11. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    yep, business week was kinda fun! I hated having to wear all the formal stuff at the beginning and end, and especially hated having absolutely no idea what was going on at the start! I was lucky! I got a group without weirdo loreto girls, hehehe :p. The downside to that, was that they didn't do...
  12. K

    Religion pples HELP!!! or anyone else kind enuf!!!

    I'll send them to you, but they're in powerpoint format. do you have that program? I'll send them in powerpoint first, but if you can't open it, then I'll convert it to word.
  13. K

    What School Are You All From?

    LOL! I know quite a few who've been there, and are going there. you know vivian right?
  14. K

    practice questions

    Catholic q25: Analyse the impact of globalisation on economic growth, quality of life and external stability of global economies. one of those extremely broad types. Has a table of "Percentage of People in relative poverty throughout the global economy" hehe, but don't you see? If we...
  15. K


    note that his talking about the junction, where the P and N types meet, not the whole thing. So around the point where they meet, positive holes from the P will move to the N, and electrons from the N to the P, to fill up the gaps. However the majority of the N type silicon remains negatively...
  16. K

    practice tests

    yes it does. A positive charge is repelled by the positive plate, and attracted by the negative plate. Thus the force of the electric field between the places, is directed from the positive plate, to the negative plate, for any positive charge, and thus, the force on the positive charge is...
  17. K

    Making notes from the syllabus

    no problemo ;)
  18. K

    The Purplish Hue Site Is Stuffed!

    I posted the alternate link below that link, with a warning that the original website was being moved after 25th october. here it is again, the new link:
  19. K

    study for physics

    am I the only one who hasn't heard this before? I just read back through my notes and textbook...which I'm doing now :p
  20. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    yeesh, how come knox got votes??? someone(s) actually likes us??