Search results

  1. Weisy

    4u maths text books: which to buy??

    yeah, we had a diligent maths teacher this year, who didn't mind causing major tree lopping. But in reality, we really didn't use them that much; I think most questions in Cambridge a good 4unit student should be able to (eventually) manage. The answers were only good for reference, and often...
  2. Weisy

    Good luck guys

    good luck, go kick some ass! If someone wouldn't mind telling me what 'cytopathology' is...
  3. Weisy

    What do u hate about the BOS?

    drats. does this include the Board of Studies? ;)
  4. Weisy

    uac confirmation letter

    So they seriouslly thought you were blind, eh? I'm guessing they sent you a talking message? Assuming you were a blind person who could read a letter about being blind was intelligent of them. :p
  5. Weisy

    4u maths text books: which to buy??

    yeah, I agree with nakata. It's too time-consuming to scan them. I have worked solutions to all the cambridge 4unit questions though
  6. Weisy

    uac confirmation letter

    thanks, all :)
  7. Weisy

    uac confirmation letter

    moi aussi....:) although could someone tell me whether they want us to ring them if our preferences are wrong or just to change them over the internet? seems stupid to ring UA IMMEDIATELY to just change your prefs... the letter didn't make it clear...
  8. Weisy

    4u maths text books: which to buy??

    Are you talking about the Sami El Hosri solutions?
  9. Weisy

    crime fiction

    Jellymonsta's advice is good...essays galore! Also be smart in your essay writing - pick different types of questions to respond to so you're not monotonously regurgitating the same thing again and again. Essay questions generally fall into one or combinations of three basic types: 1)...
  10. Weisy


    *raises an eyebrow at the above*
  11. Weisy

    What do u hate about the BOS?

    oh yes Paper 2 is a joke.
  12. Weisy

    This is it...

    I vote for Einstein. Purely subjective, of course.
  13. Weisy

    HSC English Syllabus

    yes, I remember that article was met which much approval on this forum just after it appeared. I guess some texts are bordering on the trivial in the new syllabus, but I think that it's more that the BOS is trying to diversify the range of media students can study...I mean, I love books, but...
  14. Weisy

    English syllabuses, new and old - what're your thoughts?

    they really, really should teach us more grammar. it's become so bad that referring to something like a 'linking relative clause' in an essay gets a question mark from English teachers who are marking it. I think that the rationale behind the english syllabus is really good, but the...
  15. Weisy

    This is it...

    lol...I think McLake is a little disturbed by your idol-worshipping. however, each to his/her own, I guess. And I'm proud to say that I'm not a spammer.
  16. Weisy

    This is it...

    sounds promising...I need a cutoff like that! well, best of luck :) edit: ooo...this is my 200th post. I didn't notice.
  17. Weisy

    This is it...

    so you live up north then? how are the cutoffs at OLD universities?
  18. Weisy


    oh, I see. :p *sneakes a glance sideways at Milly and suppresses an overwhelming urge to honk!*
  19. Weisy

    Personal research on IQ tests (proper and otherwise)?

    yeah, and what of the person whose <80 IQ would not have allowed them the theoretical intelligence to comprehend the rationale behind this thread?
  20. Weisy

    open the MAIL!!!

    lol I've been building them up for a few years now, because I've been doing year 12 subjects for a few years. The good thing about asian parents (though, to be pc, not to generalise, *ahem*) is that they are all for making sacrifices for the education of their children. I basically told...