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  1. Weisy

    This is it...

    thankyou. :) yeah, UNSW or Sydney Uni. B Sci (adv)/B Laws
  2. Weisy

    This is it...

    I don't know. I am hoping very much for over 99. I need at least 99.4 (lfrom last year) to get into the course I want to do, but we'll see I guess.
  3. Weisy


    well, as a female, I couldn't really validate that statement. :) Although if some male started spouting Horace to me I would more than likely think him a little screwed in the head... Another thing to clarify: are you talking about Latin, as the 'dead' language? it's not very romantic...
  4. Weisy


    latin at maccas, huh? oh, how well you know me. :p ;)
  5. Weisy

    This is it...

    ah, tis perfectly fine.
  6. Weisy

    This is it...

    I believe I meant to imply that I'm not only a maths student, but also an English student. Say what you like about my sense of humour - I don't find myself very funny. :p
  7. Weisy

    Formal -makes sure

    ahh, god I hate formals. With all the recent threads about how to do makeup and finding the perfect partner and taking your friends, I thought it best to conceal my laothing for them...but I want to vent. The accepted "truths": (1) We need to pamper ourselves and look gorgeous. we need...
  8. Weisy

    This is it...

    oh yes, I agree. why must there be a winner, sheesh? The two subjects are as incomparable as any other two completely 'unrelated' subjects in the HSC.
  9. Weisy

    open the MAIL!!!

    My parents have excommunicated all their gossipy asian friends at my request for peace...I appreciate that because I know it's a huge sacrifice. ;)
  10. Weisy

    4u maths text books: which to buy??

    In all honesty, you won't find yourself using all of them. I found Excel 4unit useful, the others are useful for specific topics and not too useful for others. Fitzpatrick was pretty useless
  11. Weisy

    The subject I hate most is ...

    business studies the amount of useless hypothetical information was suffocating. I still wonder at why I actually did it.
  12. Weisy

    So whatd u all think?

    lol, I was just about to post the exact same thing! :D
  13. Weisy

    So whatd u all think?

    Generally good, amusing because the part I was most uncertain about ended up being the multiple choice section... did anyone else recognise the Vergil unseen from the SCECGS Redlands trial this year? I thought that was quite funny. so what's everyone else's view on "interea" - Mil and I...
  14. Weisy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    nah, if everyone else saw it that way it would be boring...;)
  15. Weisy

    Kill me now

    hear, hear. :cold:
  16. Weisy

    Kill me now

    oh yes, definitely. There must be a more efficent way of testing that we understand the NOT picking on a needle passage in a haystack and regurgitating it. It is a waste of time, and yet we have to do it... Maybe they could assess the prepared translation internally or...
  17. Weisy

    Honour Roll??

    In extension courses, eg English, Maths, Music, History, they don't have 6 bands because the standard of the candidature is relatively higher. Band E4 is the highest band in an extension course.
  18. Weisy


    although Laz is probably constructing a nice explanation for you at this very moment, remember that HSC marks are usually much higher than raw assessment marks. Many schools like to set their assessments harder so that in the grand scheme of things, marks for their candidature can be scaled up...
  19. Weisy


    Lazseeker is supposed to give you an accurate estimate of you UAI, had you done last year's HSC with the marks you enter. why don't you think it's accurate?
  20. Weisy

    open the MAIL!!!

    eek...stop giving me the heebie-jeebies :D I haven't even thought about that yet. For the last two years, I have contended with the online system, and the sinking feeling you get as you wait for the results page to load is probably the worst. But I don't know if I can hold out until the...