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  1. Weisy

    A scary incident for me anyways

    geez, how long would that take, with a roomful of people?
  2. Weisy

    Why do Girls like Chem ?

    I'm a girl. I dropped physics at the end of year 11, and kept chem. I would've liked it to have been the other way round, I like physics much better, but chem was assumed knowledge for more courses and at the time I didn't have much idea of what I wanted to do. We have two classes of...
  3. Weisy

    My appeciation

    ta, muchly. hear, hear. :D
  4. Weisy

    anyone doing the HSC over two years...

    Some people who have commitments like competitive sport or music start their HSC in year 12 by doing some subjects then and some in the following years.
  5. Weisy

    hsc results

    Yes. I have been avoiding the media for about three months now. "Don't stress" articles are the worst. Ranked up there with the "we can help you" study guides. not bagging out james ruse and other selective schools who do really well, but no-one seems to take into consideration the fact...
  6. Weisy

    Was school a total waste of Time?

    no, what else was I supposed to do? I needed to be desensitised to human society so I could function as a 'normal' human being. actually, never knowing the feeling of "not going to school", how is it possible to determine whether it was a waste of time or not?
  7. Weisy

    hsc results

    That is so true. The HSC is one big media hype, moreso last year than any other because it was the first year of the 'new' HSC. Just a bunch of journalists trying to make sense of second-hand information and make it sound impressive.
  8. Weisy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    I have said this before in a huge post I wrote in another thread, but basically I believe that it shouldn't be a test of academic ability, because I don't believe that it is possible to have a test of academic ability. This has to do with diversity, etc., etc. I mean, a person can say that...
  9. Weisy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    and that gets us all into the sticky question of whether the HSC is an appropriate place for smart people to try to show their intelligence, as opposed to their ability to confrom to dot points in a syllabus. "why shouldn't "dumb" people be able to get the marks too?" ah, the feeling of de...
  10. Weisy

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    me? no, of course not. :p
  11. Weisy

    How did you find/hear about us?

    Lazarus on the Combined Distinction Course Website.
  12. Weisy

    anyone doing the HSC over two years...

    lol nah, I'm interested, but not that interested. I'd much rather go to uni at the 'right' age. :p (not saying necessarily that there really is one...)
  13. Weisy

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    Come to think of it, i have the RACI Chem comp periodic table taped to the back of my calc too. It was just put there because I was so sick of rummaging around bulky textbooks trying to find a periodic table. I haven't realised I've been taking it into almost every exam. But it isn't like the...
  14. Weisy

    S&S part (d)(ii)

    I concur charges on both sides must balance.
  15. Weisy

    anyone doing the HSC over two years...

    to add my two cents worth.... I've done the HSC over 3 years. In 2000 I did 3 unit music, last year business studies, and this year all other 13 units. :D It hasn't been bad at all. I did it because I was interested in the subjects that I accelerated in and it gave me an opportunity to...
  16. Weisy

    S&S part (d)(ii)

    and pracs done in class only used metals and alloys
  17. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    definitely - "and the places far and wide smoke with sulfur-fumes." do you translate that in the historic present?
  18. Weisy

    Interested in who actually does Latin out there...

    part iv now, if I could only remember that poem... iam, si tantum eius carminis reminisci poteram... bent Wedge unit-circle Polish coquettish Stayor cheese grater Mystica I'll never forget you pen
  19. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    dunno, just slipped my mind, like so many things these days. *slaps herself* My understanding is that he is inherently fallible, but that being an instrument of destiny, his faults may be disregarded. An important aspect of his characterisation in the story is that he is never fully...