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  1. Weisy

    Interested in who actually does Latin out there...

    hehe part ii infeliciter, non multa habeo Unfortunately, I do not have much.
  2. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    I think the textbook answer to that one would be that Aeneas really had no reign over what happened to Creusa - his personal feelings or actions can not be attributed to his own faults as a person. Creusa's death must happen in order for Aeneas to move on, etc. I like how Vergil makes...
  3. Weisy

    Use "Volta" in S&S

    *looks up* I like that song. Yeah, I used him. He wasn't in the syllabus? just goes to show how well I read the syllabus. But he's pretty important, and he's in all the textbooks, so...
  4. Weisy

    Do you feel cheated?

    No, I don't feel cheated.
  5. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    your school is so steeped in tradition... you were right to bail. :p
  6. Weisy

    clutching at straws... many people suddenly turn up, very impressive :) I think too many of us have been oppressed for too long. Milly and I were going to go to some Latin study day this year, but for some reason didn't end up doing so. We did go to Trinity to listen to the American lady talk about...
  7. Weisy

    Good on you BOS

    yeah, the exams were written in March or thereabouts. The revised syllabus is for next year
  8. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    yay yay! (rejoices) actually, I didn't mind reading the other three Ciceronean speeches at all. Maybe I'm bonkers. Laney, is 3unit a lot harder than 2 unit? I'm having trouble enough with my 400 lines of Vergil. :)
  9. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    Yes, I know that tedious feeling...I've been experiencing it all afternoon. Trust me to pick studying Latin over Extension English, even though the exam is tomorrow. How do you study your sections for context? Do you summarise sections in your own words, or do past papers? I do a bit of...
  10. Weisy

    Good on you BOS

    well, to spread more good news, as of next year they're rehauling the entire syllabus so that next year's students - only need to know one of the lead acid accumulator or standard cell, and one other battery - only need to know about one monitoring test (ie. one of nitrogen content in...
  11. Weisy

    w/w and v/w

    I've always thought it was w/v and not v/w. ie. 'weight per volume'. w/w means "weight per weight" and both w/w and w/v are percentage units. So if asked to give the concentration in w/w, you would state the mass of the required substance in 100g of the overall substance. Similarly, if...
  12. Weisy

    clutching at straws...

    Nice to meet you. Milly and I have been doing Latin since year 8, and it is impossible to diss it in front of us because we are the only two people out of an original class of close to thirty who actually survived the subject until year 12. Latin has been the bludgiest and the best fun this...
  13. Weisy

    Crime Fiction Exam Story

    oh cliches...I'm so sick of them
  14. Weisy

    estimated mark for ext 2 people for extension 1 paper

    really? I thought that you could. I thought that it is the new extension 'add-on' approach of the new HSC that allows you to top any level below yours. I know that when I did 3unit music under the old HSC, I came 3rd in 2unit but 10th overall in 3unit, which meant that I received the...
  15. Weisy


    nah, I reckon it'd be easier if he just killed himself
  16. Weisy


    no but what's your definition of 'distressing?
  17. Weisy

    estimated mark for ext 2 people for extension 1 paper

    Please explain the does 97 raw turn into 98 if 75 raw turned into 95 scaled last year? And how is it humanly possible that you're disappointed with that mark?
  18. Weisy

    Crime Fiction Exam Story

    Nah, it's darned near impossible to be comprehensive in an hour...I have a few options for my creative story which I might just "manipulate" to suit the question. If they ask me to write anything I want, I'll do hard-bolied. I don't have a particular fancy for writing manor house mystery, I...
  19. Weisy

    should i do it?

    that is quite true, the part about school teachers. most schools only have one 4unit class, so you're stuck with one teacher, and if he/she isn't good... although I have never been tutored in my life, so I cannot say how much tutoring helps.
  20. Weisy

    Ext math bad judge of ability

    ok Zeech, understood. As for the whole depth thing, it is all very poignant, but are we talking about depth of understanding as perceived by ourselves as what should be the determining factor, or what actually is the determining factor? edit: sorry, didn't see spice girl's post above...