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  1. rama_v

    Labcoats and timetables

    Yeah it says that bio labs will be running first week..dont miss it! :D
  2. rama_v

    The Procrastination Problem...

    Finish your assessments at least two days before they are due - they should be printed and in your bag, ready to hand in, two days before. If you can, set a timetable and stick to it. For example you may decide to do past papers for maths every friday from 4 - 6. (whichever works for you). Make...
  3. rama_v

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    Re: Muckup day ideas One of my friends had a key for his house that also happened to be able to open the doors for the computer rooms. His SDD class decided to get into the room early on the last day of school and hide all the keyboards in the store room. Someone tipped them off though. Another...
  4. rama_v

    Is there distinguish achiever/top achiever award??"

    I came second in a subject and didnt get squat
  5. rama_v

    Does anybody actually studying ipt know much about computers

    I never did computer studies in year 9 or 10 but I am pretty good with computers, and I find it helps a lot. Proficiency with essay writing also helps in this subject for the longer questions.
  6. rama_v

    All about Preferences and Offers

    I am in the same situation as you. I cant change my preferences for the late round because I got my first preference in the main round...I have emailed UAC. Also if I accept the offer I have now, (its at UNSW), it means that I accept and enrol doesnt it? (according to the accepting and enrolling...
  7. rama_v

    What's it like to burn out?

    I dunno cause I never had it, but prevention is the best cure :D Just enjoy Year 12, because you will never have the same amount of fun ever again in your life as you will this year.
  8. rama_v

    2006 Hsc Ipt...

    Yeah, we all found time for msn in our class (initally we were playing Quake 3 b4 it was mysteriously deleted everytime someone loaded it). Our teacher marked pretty easy but in exams the marking criteria was quite strict and no one would get above 85%....And for some reason the marking in YEar...
  9. rama_v

    2006 Hsc Ipt...

    I'm also an 05'er and I spent less work for IPT than for any of my other subjects. I didn't even have a summary book with the dotpoints - I got bored and stopped keeping up to date with my summaries after the first topic. But I still managed to get 2nd in the state. But as long as you...
  10. rama_v

    What UAI did you get?

    Wow well done :D Those are almost exactly the same a my marks, my uai was 99.35 as well: Chem - 91 (didnt count) 2 U Maths - 97 Ext 1 Maths - 47/50 Physics - 93 (1 unit of physics counted) Eng Adv - 89 IPT - 98 Modern History - 94
  11. rama_v

    State rankings

    I got 2nd in IPT in the state :D
  12. rama_v

    projectile procedural recount

    Here's the assignment procedure I was for an assessment task. Its long and difficult to reproduce in exam conditions. But it works :D (its in 3 parts because the file is too large)
  13. rama_v

    Official : Whats the worste thing a student has done to a TEACHER!

    I never mistreated teachers, and I don't think its funny when it happens, but I remember once this kid form another class (I think I was in year 7 or 8) locked himself in the cupboard in maths after going off at the teacher. The teacher had to call the deputy to unlock the cupboard lol. The...
  14. rama_v

    never get above 92?

    I suppose it matters how well you are doing in chemistry, and how much effort you are willing to put in in order to get a good mark in chemistry. Obviously if you hate the subject, then it will be difficult to find motivation in chem, and in that case you may be better off doing Food tech. On...
  15. rama_v

    Traveling at the speed of light!

    There are many 'scenarios' out there that attempt to show how faster than light travel is possible - just type in "faster than speed of light" in google - some of the links are quite interesting. I remember reading somewhere that unlike the sound barrier, the speed of light is a barrier that...
  16. rama_v

    Where do we log in on Dec 17th???? What numbers do we need?

    You (and every other HSC student in the state) will receive a letter from the BOS notifying how to receive your HSC marks via SMS, in the near future. I'm not sure if UAC provides this facility for your UAI, you would have to check up on that..
  17. rama_v

    Multiple Choice

    I thought D because it had the least surface area for eddy currents to form (well, it looked a bit like that anyway), but then again I'm hopeless at these types of questions so it may as well be a random guess for me.
  18. rama_v

    1st Ranking = highest exam mark?

    I'm pretty sure that if you aced the HSC then you will still get good marks especially because your ranks sound good...The system is designed to benefit students for working throughout the year, as well as to reward those who do well in the dont sweat:)
  19. rama_v

    1st Ranking = highest exam mark?

    Yep like I said, I am pretty sure there are other factors that come into play when such a thing occurs. Just what effect they have, I do not know, thats best left to more enlightened ones to answer :)
  20. rama_v

    1st Ranking = highest exam mark?

    Yeah..Im pretty sure that other factors come into play when there are huge differences, thats why I cant say for sure ;)