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  1. rama_v

    Centripetal force

    ooopps will change it lol I better read up on forces again
  2. rama_v

    plank or einstein

    Yeah he came up with a formula for Black Body Radiation His formula was based on statistical mathematics, and it worked by using the concept of energy being vibrated by atoms in quanta, discrete values. He didn't like his theory, so he didn't move forward with it. But it worked..I'm not sure if...
  3. rama_v

    Some Tips

    Yeah Whatever happened to WWI Haber Process, methods used to reduce impact of CFC's, the comparison of two wreck sites for shipwrecks - all this was replaced by bloody Battery Cells and Water treatment, both of which have already been tested in detail
  4. rama_v

    plank or einstein

    yeah its really an area of debate. Thats why this paticular debate is assess...So long as you justidy your conclusion/side of the debate you choose you won't be marked wrong ;)
  5. rama_v

    Identify Why the term G-force is used?

    you could, but not many ppl know what 500 N feels like. Tell em what 4 g's feels like and they have a better idea :D
  6. rama_v

    Centripetal force

    There is only one force acting on the car (ignoring gravity - its balanced by the normal reaction force). It is the centripetal force provided by the car's tyres, that acts inwards towards the centre of the roundabout. Whenever forces are unbalanaced there must be an acceleration of some...
  7. rama_v

    question i dont understand, can someone explain it

  8. rama_v

    Identify Why the term G-force is used?

    I guess because u need to measure it do determine whether or not the astronoauts can handle it. Otheriwise, you measure it to ensure that the spacecraft won't be broken apart by the stress caused by the g-forces
  9. rama_v

    Centripetal force

    The statement is incorrect. The tyres provide the centripetal force required to sustain the ciruclar motion. Without a force acting inwards the car would just be travelling in a straight line, at a tangent to the circle. Also since the car is changing velocity (its direction is changing)...
  10. rama_v

    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    Aligning and scaling are two separate procedures. Just because an exam is easy doesn't mean that its scaling will be low. Scaling is determined by how people in chemistry go in all of their other exams...If everyone who did chem did well in their other exams, then chem will still have great...
  11. rama_v

    plank or einstein

    Planck is the father of quantum physics Einstein used it and expanded it however when he explained the photoelectric effect
  12. rama_v

    The Haber Process Question

    I think it was 2 for the graph and 2 for the explanation
  13. rama_v

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    hehe same, except i put in fertilisers/animal waste from farms and possible littering by humans from the lake theres a guy waterskiing)
  14. rama_v

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    lol You should have asked for another booklet for that questoin They had to staple it to the answer booklet
  15. rama_v

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Yayyy I put that as a guess
  16. rama_v

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    You could have included BNW BR if given the chance. Just state stuff like "advances in chemistry are detrimental to society, because even though corrosion resistant paints can be made, these ultimately destroy our love of the wild and natural processes such as rusting, as is elucidated through...
  17. rama_v

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    yeah Most probably, it would probably be around 85, but of course we may never know
  18. rama_v

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    Actually, scaling has nothing to do with aligining ;) So even if chem scales up, it could actually align down...The two processes are completely independent. But practically all subjects are aligned up , which is good news for us :)
  19. rama_v

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    I wrote sulfate reducing bacteria I think i went overboard when I wrote the full name of the bacteria with equations :p
  20. rama_v

    calcium carbonate q

    Umm, sorry no offence m8 I didn't mean to pick on ya I can't remember it, but it was a 1:1 ratio so you had to subtract the moles of Hydrogen from this reaction or somethign..