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  1. Jase

    What carries the Strong Nuclear Force?

    Ah okay thanks. So is U-238 more common in the ore than U-235? or is it used just because it makes Plutonium which is better at fission than U235? Ah and .. i've found that the "Fundamental SNF" is carried by gluons and affects color, charge, quarks, where as the "Residual SNF" is the...
  2. Jase

    Available Help

    blackbody - ultraviolet catastrophe and how it's solved by Plank's quanta. -> classical physics dosn't work, introduce adhoc assumption of quanta. mabye a couple of points on what a black body is, and the relationship between wavelength/frequency and intensity/temperature. thats about it...
  3. Jase

    What carries the Strong Nuclear Force?

    Is it the Pi-Meson (Pion) or the Gluon or both? Actaully, more specifically, what the hell is the difference between fundamental and residual force? it's always mentioned, but i don't know what it is. Or is this Chromodynamics, and out of our league. What else could you talk about in that...
  4. Jase

    anyone worked out Q7 (a) (iii)?

    yah i actaully found it to be 5:35.. but the majority seems to be getting 4:28 .. i dont know how though
  5. Jase

    anyone worked out Q7 (a) (iii)?

    everyone's getting 4:28am
  6. Jase

    how did the 4Uers go?

    crappp low 70's i guess.
  7. Jase

    WTF?? Biggest Load os BULL SHIT i ever seen

    Didn't a few people burn it, and alot of other things as well? like Xayma. like here : Scavenger Hunt Thread and who's planning a bonfire for all 6 years worth of paper x another 20 participants..
  8. Jase

    Rate this paper for difficulty.

    For a 3U test, it was hard. Usually one would walk out thinking, hah, if i didn't get 100% for that, im going to jump off a bridge with lead attached to my feet and helium-3 balloons tied around my neck. Don't worry there's only a few hundred who would have done really well, and they're all...
  9. Jase

    Q7 - Shm

    pq=-4 Im guessing you found the gradients as p and q instead of p/2 and q/2.. a surprising number of people did that, so don't worry. Also.. i got 5:35am as the time that they needed to leave the wharf. damnit.. hard.. 4c) i think i got 6 weeks
  10. Jase

    Come on Art Students! I need your help!! Digital Media vs Graphic Design!

    They are actaully very large areas. Graphic Design encompasses basically everything to do with visual text and communication. It could be designing images or banners and slogans for public and private use, planning and production of advertisements, studios, book and magazine covers, web...
  11. Jase

    Physics Mark....

    If i try really really hard, i could get 90+.. but i'm just not the trying type. So it's 80-90.
  12. Jase

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    Holy crap alot harder than i expected. Lost like 6 marks in unanswered questions and probably another 4 marks in trivial mistakes. gay. i think this was one of the harder papers to come out these few years.
  13. Jase

    slight differentiation problem

    Well, let x=Polynomial and y=NP. Now consider the graph y=x. Clearly, by inspection, y=x. Hence P=NP. Now where's my million dollars.
  14. Jase

    bad teacher = bad UAI

    Jesus christ Timmy. Got a big enough sig there!?
  15. Jase


    square the x to get an expression for t^2 + 1/t^2
  16. Jase

    fitz Probability question

    Do we really need to learn this? Inspection
  17. Jase

    Hardest 3 unit topic?

    I think crazy differentiable integral binomial probabilty would take the cake.
  18. Jase

    75-80% raw good enough for E4??

    Well, i think most 4Uniters want to get 100. (that is.. 98) and anything lower is a disgrace. (unless Q7 is just so spastic it's not funny). But nevertheless, good luck everyone, don't be discouraged.
  19. Jase

    Rectilinear motion?!?!?

    lol.. It's just another name for motion in a straight line, where rectilinear means bounded by straight lines. "They" are just out to confuse us. Just like when i first heard the term "arcsine"..
  20. Jase

    Geometry Question

    I did that same thing you did. However, see, what they ask for is the answer to 3 d.p. So even though 3.2 is right, you cant write 3.200. you won't get the marks. Anyway i thought using the cosine rule was pretty stupid when you can just use the arc length... they just want to make things...