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  1. Jase

    Art Marking

    You get markers? to go to your school? All ours are in homebush... in some kind of abandoned warehouse... rotting away...
  2. Jase

    How about the 2004 HSC 4 unit maths will be?

    Originally Posted by tywebb very close ... closer than you think. Got sus?
  3. Jase

    Hardest trial/HSC paper

    Ruse 2003 trial was pretty easy. (first one that comes to mind recently) Last year's HSC was pretty hard.
  4. Jase

    need help! complex numbers

    So am i. and theres about three more days to go until the day i may never have to find the complex nth roots of unity of 1 ever again! woohoo! But until then... aww.
  5. Jase

    How much time for checking?

    hmm.. yes and no. It's a good thing to do to check over your earlier questions because they are a) the easiest marks to get and b) the easiest mistakes to make so give it at least 10 mins Of course, if your really confident, and question 7 and 8 don, t look too hard, I think that extra...
  6. Jase

    Polynomial Question

    ah.. cool thanks.
  7. Jase

    Scaling In Separate Modules?

    Sorry to say but he is a fool. A fool of a Took.
  8. Jase

    Polynomial Question

    Consider the polynomial P(z) = z^3 + az^2 + bz + c where a,b,c are real. If P(xi) = 0 where x is real and non zero: explain why P(-xi) = 0; show that P(z) has one real zero; and hence show that c=ab, where b>0 I ended up screwing around with everything until i got c=-ab, and i'm...
  9. Jase


    a) If the president says it did. It did. b) Is that the probablity before or after its been through censorship? c) i) It is a war against terror. All attacks are justified. That convoy and that hospital had defected and under the combined rule of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. ii) If by...
  10. Jase

    HSC SCAVENGER HUNT - Distinguished Achievers List

    HAHHAH OH GOD THAT SONG IS GOLD.. GO CHEPAS! "No more con-no-ta-tions, More time for mas-tur-ba-tion" YOU RULE!!!11 but wheres the creepy french choir? ^^
  11. Jase

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    I want 101. that would just be so cool. stupid fucking HSC. Hey lets say you study 24/7, do BoS forums count as socialising and obtaining this so called "life"? And what do you do when your not "studying"? Surely you can't study for an hour..bugger off to your mate's place for another...
  12. Jase

    HSC SCAVENGER HUNT - Distinguished Achievers List

    thats not sarcasm .. you two wouldnt know sarcasm if it came and bit you on the toosh. I on the other hand am the living-sarcasm-spasm. >note extreme sarcasm<
  13. Jase

    HSC SCAVENGER HUNT - Distinguished Achievers List

    do you suppose they have a fire ban in all this rain? What about a big bonfire with hundreds of sweet sweet school paper as the fuel..
  14. Jase

    Module B: De-appreciation thread

    what the fuck does EXTRACT mean what a load of shit farking fruitcaking monkey moooface in a head have bloody ... im going to spite the unviersal god of English by ffrom noOW On Using bad speling and Garmmaer those stipud bastersd FUCNAK.
  15. Jase


    It would so rock if you got into AGNSW... thats like.. possibly a once in a life time experience. That is unless you become a highly commercial proffesional artist.. which probably wont happen until your deathbed and or when your so old that you can't do anything anymore. And then you could get...
  16. Jase

    Does 4unit maths......

    I havn't even 'completed' the 3u course. You'll find that upon taking the 4U course... your 3u knowledge will expand itself and all of your energy will basically go into 4u
  17. Jase

    Module B - Critical Study of Texts

    wow.. this has sure caused an upriot. But i agree.. worst. question. ever. its not much about its difficulty.. it was afterall a pretty easy generic question. But the worst part is that it didnt explicitly ask us to decode other interpretations .. which is bassically what weve been learning...
  18. Jase

    Question 2

    AHAH the Journey of the heart! haha oh god.. thats classic.
  19. Jase

    Weight force and jupiter

    HAHAHA. I did laugh, and I did cry. But whoever wrote that question should die.
  20. Jase

    How many Fontline episodes to include in response...

    two to four frontline two additional