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  1. Jase

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    lol i searched laurence field and came up with a sculptist/artist. But then i found the SHM article.. so you won a silver medal? Well in that case, I no longer doubt you when you say you were "cut" with 117.
  2. Jase

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    HOLY CRAP! I didn't do the partial fracttions properly. Jeez, do you think they'd give CFM ( correct from above) marks? When i multiplied out the denominators, i forgot to times that 1 by (x+1) ... and ended up with a = 7/4 b = 11/4
  3. Jase

    Australian Idol 2004

    awww.. i liked Chanel
  4. Jase


    It's the dreaded bell curve.
  5. Jase

    easiest in 5 yrs... then 5 more

    Some you really think you can get 119/120 raw!? holy jesus, if you do, you deserve to do pure maths in syd uni no matter what you get for other subjects.
  6. Jase

    Calling all Asians - regarding Makeup!

    erm. What separates *asian* make up from *normal* makeup??
  7. Jase


    yep. Q7 was pretty easy. Q4 was the hardest next to Q8.
  8. Jase

    Hey Guess what?

    My physics teacher boasts he can recite Pi to 200 places and that he learnt e to 100 when he was walking to school one day when he was a teenager. (he is the splitting image of the 70's 'academic' stereotype, pen in shirt pocket, checkered tie, glasses, short, has a comb in his pocket to...
  9. Jase

    easiest in 5 yrs... then 5 more

    On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the hardest, i'd say it was a 7 or 6. But its definately not the *easiest* paper out of the last 10 years.
  10. Jase

    [B]How to improve your 3-unit mark[/B]

    lol. Over the year, you will improve. Improvement comes from practice and time. Practice comes from commitment and time comes from time travel. So find youself a time machine and ace 3U. Of course, the most easiest and crude method of time travel is sleep. Hence you must sleep alot, and with...
  11. Jase

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    Hah, and i can't believe they repeated a past year's question in Q8.
  12. Jase

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    Q 6 b ii) use the product rule on v. e^kt .. youll end up with the RHS ... I skipped Q2last part, Q4 circle geo and conics. Q7 that trig part for the induction. and half of Q8.... ....i guess i cant get over 90/120... The important thing is... its ALLLL over. 3U just dosn't count the same...
  13. Jase

    The End Is Nigh!!

    Spam here to release pent up emotions.
  14. Jase

    triangle inequality question..

    Sure you can, it might look slightly retarded. But it works. Gov I'll show ya my 1,2,3 triangle. in the morning. |a+b| <= |a| + |b| is a triangle inequality? what does (a+b) mean? the opposite side of a and b or the sum of two sides a and b.
  15. Jase

    Art Marking

    oh my god! thats just.... wtf IS wrong with art people. jeessus.
  16. Jase

    triangle inequality question..

    So Gov, you're asking why the equality holds? Well.. why can't it? sum of two sides can equal the third. e.g. a triangle with side lengths 1, 2 and 3 1+2 = 3; 3+1 > 2 You should start off with the triangle ineqaulity with the equal sign already in, and keep working off that... but have...
  17. Jase

    how do you do this inequality?

    start of with the basic basic thing: a^2 + b^2 >= 2ab similarly: b^2 + c^2 >= 2bc and a^2 + c^2 >= 2ac add them all: 2(a^2 + b^2 + c^2) >= 2(ab + bc+ ac) now multiply both sides by ( a + b + c) a^3 + ab^2 + bc^2 + ............. + c^3 >= a^2 b + a^2 c ............ + abc + abc + abc...
  18. Jase


    whether its an inversesqaure or sqaure proportion. If the T^2 vs L graph is not a straight line, then that relationship is not squarything. But if memory serves correctly.. it should be a sqaure proportion.
  19. Jase

    88/120 for 2002 HSC

    scaled? i'd say 95-96
  20. Jase

    Rectangular hyperbola

    so the major length axis just means the distance between the two points where xy meets y=x?