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  1. Jase


    Calm down everyone. Those letters don't just materialise in your mailbox the instant they are sent out... just wait.. and.. listen to the wind.. woooosh..wooosh
  2. Jase

    The Magus

    Has anyone read the Magus by John Fowles?
  3. Jase

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    post-conceptualist? wouldn't that mean being "over" conceptualism and into pure aesthetics with no big impact on the world. The same way post-modernism got over the nihilism of modernism and moved on to ... .. random shit about uncertainty. Or i still don't really understand what...
  4. Jase

    Space - Robert H Goddard

    Just learn two for safety. Tsiolkovsky and Goddard.
  5. Jase

    Syllabus Points often Overlooked

    ahahahha. My Grandfather Proffessor Alberto Ephelemus Doowongle was a theoretical physicist who helped Einstein formulate his theory on relativity. In fact, it was he who tutored Einstein while he was out of school, and actaully wrote many of the papers on general relativity for him... of...
  6. Jase

    Do they Mark the 3U hard

    haha. What if i just wrote the answer in the midst of all this random working out..
  7. Jase

    Problem with Relativity/Simultaneity

    So you're saying that if you stood still and i 'ran' a thousand miles away to another point in space (disregarding gravity, earth..). We get there at the same time? If they BOTH see it simultaneously.. what is there to disagree about? By saying that one "thinks" the other should see it one...
  8. Jase

    Available Help

    ahahah. Well everyone starts off with ten reputation points right. i think..or is that 13 points? Well then, when you spam enough, people will start "giving"you rep points. It is allegory to the way a dog owner will give his/her dog dog biscuits after a neat trick. This will continue to...
  9. Jase

    possible 5unit maths ?

    Jeez, I love my Maths and all.. but 6U? That's like the equivalent of pure maths in uni. 4U already takes up half your schooling life, 6U would consume it with no beginning and no end. You would be caught in an ourobourous of integrals and matrices with no time to sleep and nowhere to run...
  10. Jase

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    Don't the essay questions always let you choose one out of ten? Well, extension english won't help much if you are doing your case studies on the Old Masters and Impressionists... but it sure would be great for those stupid postmodern artists .. oo how i hate them *shakes fist*. Postmodern is...
  11. Jase

    Anyone interested in animation?

    Buy a postit pad and draw a flick animation and put that in your portfolio.
  12. Jase

    Syllabus Points often Overlooked

    That's scary. I don't want to learn extra Scientist's names. especially the ones who are still alive and kicking.
  13. Jase

    bad teacher = bad UAI

    There is something you can do about a bad teacher. Just ignore the arsehole and learn everything yourself. It's much easier AND faster. Or you could get him/her fired.. but then you'll be relying on luck for a better substitute.
  14. Jase


    They've already marked them? wow. that's quick. I hear they just take it out, stare at it for 10 minutes and move on to the next one.
  15. Jase

    if i got 50/120 in 4u, what aligned mark will i get approx?

    lol how many estimates do you want? I think you'll get 80+ aligned. Because of personal reasons.. you didn't revise?? So you have a persona vendetta against revising for 4U maths.
  16. Jase

    Anyone Just See The News?

    hey XYV, you're doing this for the HSC right? Well it looks like NTB has some more competition in the crazy 3d digital field ^^. A recording company in SA? You live in SA?? im guessing not since then you'd be doing the VCE. Then in which case you're implying you'd run all the way down to SA...
  17. Jase

    does "shallow" art pass?

    You can't? What about, porn. Just drawing an analogy here.. It's almost purely aesthetic in that very little left brain is used. But that dosn't detract from it's *excuse the word-'beauty'. In the same way an abstract, minimalist or renaissance sculpture is raw beauty and that in itself is...
  18. Jase

    how did the 4Uers go?

    Damn, you know, i always thought when i was young, that my natural "intellect" would pull me through to 99.. because i knew sooo many ppl who had got 99+ UAI. Of course now, id be glad to get 96. which is what i need-ish. So much doubt, so little willpower. I guess all you can do guys, is aim...
  19. Jase

    easy Physic. that i need help with

    Jeez how can someone throw a rock at over 30m/s, thats over 100km/h, and yet only reach 20m.. and with the g on the moon, it would reach even higher. In fact, the escape velocity of the moon is 8000km/h. That last answer means this astronaut would have the arm power to launch a damn rocket...
  20. Jase

    Band 6 Physics

    You know, with all this trend of strange questions so far. I won't be surprised if they include something so totally impossible, something like "derive the classical hydrogen model" and then find all these things *without* being spoonfed the formulae.. or a 20 page essay on how HSC Physics has...