Can I also make the comment of how uncool Fannys is?
Like I might think it was cool if I went there and everyone's decked out in Ksubis with some tech house cranking but it never is, its always remixes of one hit wonders (eg Red Wine) from some 4 years back so all the derros know the songs...
There are a heap of lesbians at our school, I have a lot of difficulties with them.
Primarily because they're not actually lesbians, just trend nazis - once they were emo, the next they were into electro now they're supposedly gay.
Because they are the 'trendy group' they treat everyone...
There weren't a lot of them. Depending on your application you will have different focuses but there are some stock things they go for.
- They want to know how you get along with others. I got asked questions if I knew/got along with another girl from my school and also they quizzed me on a...
Ancient: 2/41
Adv. English: 10/183 (this might seem bad, but look at the cohort size. I still wish I didn't lose marks for handwriting)
Ext. Eng: 1/30
Legal: 1/22
Modern: 6/31
Studies of Religion: 1/52
My school ranks 182.
I'm a little disappointed with modern and english, but the gap...
I went casual, but not decked out in ksubis or anything.
If they're interviewing you they probably want you (I recieved an offer as soon as the tour was over). It's basically just sussing you out to make sure you're legit.
My parents would hate you for the following reasons:
1) You are unattractive
2) You are a dumbass and are heading nowhere
3) You are mentally/emotionally unstable and use people
You must be one of the former.
EDIT: You go to kurri kurri high? LMAO!
I noticed, but I wanted to rant. Good call anyways.
On this forum I notice religion, particually Christianity (Buddhism always gets the all clear, despite the dalai lama's conservative views on every kind of non missionary style of sex) always gets attacked for being old and redundant...
Ratzinger proposed a similar theory and was overturned by the church.
And the bible is universal - Mitzvot teachings on chastity, Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Golden Rule and Beatitudes (the latter being enshrined in the UDHR) have just as much relevance today as they ever did. The world...
Metaphor Magazine 2005 - Imaginative Journeys - 'For his last play, Shakespeare significantly chose an imaginative journey to present his most important message to humanity: the possibility to transform ourselves through God's teaching of truth and mercy'