Considering Vatican II allows it, the most significant doctrine created by Pope John XXIII and his successor John Paul II which reformed the treatment of scripture, the mass and the church hierarchy, I'd say yes, yes my figure is entirely right.
Unless they're imposing some other...
I thought it needed a drumroll.
My point is this: you lot are having a debate on whether God exists. Fantastic.
However, the crux of 90% of your arguements is this 'literal reading of Genesis' vs Evolution debate as well as jabs at various Halachah. Which would be fine if we were talking...
With their whooping 2% of the population. The losers are that moronic they've been naming themselves under dozens of different churches for the census over the last 20 years.
That study sounds dubious at best.
After Vatican II the Catholic church accepted evolution, nobody is teaching otherwise. And with a universal understanding of Genesis the two are largely relative.
I can tell you for certain this is also the stance of the Orthodox and High Anglican church...
I suppose you could say from many 'vessels' - see Job 38: 1-41 outlining God's presence in natural phenomina (Bernards)
The bible is where it is on immaculate conception, along with church doctrine in Vatican II and various older doctines I hardly spend hours reading.
You'd be aware that the...
Yes there sure is...
Considering 1 billion Catholics don't.
Nor do Orthodox and Eastern Catholics.
Nor do High Church Anglican.
Nor do many protestant varients...
Debateing a strawman Christianity are we?
LOL @ you for assuming all Christians interpret biblical texts from a literal perspective whilst liturgy centred varients have long placed greater emphasis on church tradition and universal interpretation of Christ's message (note: homily).
Whilst the bible is the normative text for...
Umm, wasn't it the Labor party which began this move with myspace?
Oh fuck that was funny, I remember some ditz on Howard's myspace page saying that 'Rudd was ugly'
This other bloke wrote a massive comment to Rudd outlining how unfair graduate pay is for teachers.
Re: We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employe
Fuck this is bullshit.
The companies who produce in Australia - Ford and Holden, have been going down for years. They have failed to market small, fuel efficient cars (which are what's booming in the...
You're kidding right?
You've spent years going out of your way and paying for someone else's mess,
Not to mention possibly not having your own children in that time period because you already have one.
I'd sue the bitch and then contact the media and EVERYONE I know to publically expose...
Played the one with the dice, it was pretty shit.
You'd always come across shit like 'lick - my foot' so about 80% of the positions we didn't go through with.
Hello Lily, long time no speak. Bring back your myspace :P
There's a limit of threads because there's about 70 of us, we're one of the smallest electives.
Yes the question was generic, and certainly the stimulus was good.
btw Lily I decided against UTS (although I got an offer for a...
Why is this shocking to you?
In a proper relationship sex can create strong emotional/psychological bonds, i know many people who have sex to make up/emotionally connect etc.
It is a central feature of a male/female relationship.
Agreed. In the month or so he's been in office he's kicked out all my least favourite MPs (DIE MEAGHER, DIE!) and has begun implimenting transport changes right in the middle of a financial crisis.
He fucking answers questions too.
Personally I'd like to see some stronger ministers, and also...
What would you do?
- Dropped modern and picked up extension II english
- Sorted out my special provisions much sooner
- Stressed less about what uni to go to
- Kept dateing the Spanish girl in my ancient history class
- Slept better so I stressed/got angry less.
Anyone else?