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    who believes religion is out dated

    Shakespeare's works are some 400 years old. Have they too lost all relevance to humanity?

    Residential Colleges...

    I gots a spot at St Andrews.

    Fannys is for tryhards

    I’d keep the table plain myself, probably a dark Scandinavian timbre on a cream carpet but that’s just me. Dunno, the school highwayman and I went to was a really great school, it always bums me that I didn’t make the most of it. Care to impart your own woes ems?

    Fannys is for tryhards

    That's a little sad about your degree, man. You're still young though, you can change after this year! (I'm doomed for 5 years myself!) And 10 bucks is, I'm cheap. (Note: neither the room nor coffeetable be aesthetically pleasing, but the placement of it should be - eg you push it into the...

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    I guess you should keep it in that case. There's a lot of different ways you can do year 12 - via pathways (over two years) and also you will get consideration for anything which may occur whilst at school (say you have a baby during the trials). Don't forget if you want to look after the...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    Hmm, probably wouldn't have hurt you to give geo or bio the skip and do visual art. I guess if you wanted to you could go and do a fine arts degree or something - it wouldn't be like those art kids who wrote an essay on a few pop artists and did one of those tacky majors with a bleedingly...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    Hey man sorry I left - had a christmas party. Ended up falling asleep with a mad hangover :P Gendered language stories lent themselves to insanely large amounts of dialogue but as you say, if you're clever you can find ways around that. I think the problem with gendered language as a...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    dude 3rd is awesome at our school of like a billion people. I know what you mean by analysising shit, I dont think I'll ever enjoy two people talking on a film again :P I think crime fiction is the better module if you do extension II though because I think as a genre its easier to write...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    Fuck the plates emms, fuck'em dead. Like that motley crue song, but deader.

    Fannys is for tryhards

    did you do gendered? I topped the course but it was pretty shit, I feel intellectually violated. wish we did crime fiction :(

    Fannys is for tryhards

    There was a time period when it WASN'T swarming with lebbos? Lebbos are cool IMO. Drunk white guys trying to pick up and sausaging up sections of the dancefloor? not cool.

    Fannys is for tryhards

    The bartenders could possibly be the most skankiest girls I've ever seen in my life. OH and my mate was waiting for a train and this dude is chatting to these other dudes and he's like 'have you met alisha?' and the other dudes like 'yeah I'm with her sister now' and I'm thinking this is...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    Oh and chairman there were two extension teachers. I had mrs rath, but I hear mrs hancock's pretty good, but not as cool as mrs rath. Mrs Rath has a Horatio Hornblower jacket. I'd marry mrs rath if she were a few years younger... But they like change fuck in extension teachers every so...

    Fannys is for tryhards

    I'd know coz I was there. My mate hooked up with this fat chick and I'm like 'no dude' and he gives me a weird stare then my other mate pulls me aside and told me it was okay cause 'it was part of the experience' end rant,

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    Dude I challenge you to make a post which isn't: 1) A loosely Communist rant. 2) Something about how awesome paramedics are. Curious guys, I'm no economist but are the car manufacturers in Australia (Holden and Ford) even that competitive? It seems that Asian manufacturers are completely...

    Freedom After The HSC

    Its not that great, my parents have been loading me up with annoying jobs which eat up my entire day.

    Does God exist?

    Before I go, Great, you keep debating the evidence for God, but as I have argued if evolution is complimentary to Christian beliefs then it should not be a point of contention. Who would have thought? As I pointed out, I do not condone those theists. They're eatting out of your hand.

    Does God exist?

    Yup. Quite simply Christ spoke to his followers in many ways (summaries, parables, guidelines, clear rules etc). Even clear teachings (eg the Lords prayer) can be interpreted on many levels. And as people and society change that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Well it was your...

    Does God exist?

    check this. Pope Benedict II, deferring to scientific method.

    Does God exist?

    Quit editing shit in. I'll agree if by 'large portion' you mean that there are many of the minority who agree. Hang on, if you want to find church opinions on it why don't you dig up doctrines of my church, other liturgy centred varients (which I've already said constituted a majority) and...