Search results

  1. kaz1

    Google Buzz

    Anyone tried it? It's Google's solution to Facebook and Twitter.
  2. kaz1

    Email from UNSW saying I got accepted into Intl. Studies

    Did anyone else get this? It actually says I accepted the offer. It's weird because I didn't put International Studies in any of my preferences.
  3. kaz1

    Do you wear shoes at home?

    Do you take off your shoes when you are home or when you enter someone else s home?
  4. kaz1

    timetable help *confused*

    I'm getting confused between permitted clash and the class clash. Does that mean I have to change my timetable and if that is the case how do I do it?
  5. kaz1

    Help with Application @ UNSW

    Offered Program3715 - Engineering/Commerce Accepted Program3653 - Software Engineering/Commerce How can I change this I accidentally chose Software Engineering instead of normal Engineering. I called UNSW and I have holding for like half an hour. Will I be able to change or am I screwed...
  6. kaz1

    Taiwanese man dies after watching Avatar

    Taiwan man dies after watching Avatar - Film - Entertainment -
  7. kaz1

    Formula sheets

    Just wondering if they give you a formula sheet or a standard integrals sheet in Uni when you do exams.
  8. kaz1

    Bachelor of Arts

    Some of the majors I saw have absolutely no job prospects. So why do people still do these degrees? edit:No offence intended at those who are studying arts or plan to study arts.
  9. kaz1

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews shows support for Palestine
  10. kaz1

    Comm / Eng

    I was wondering if you can do two majors for commerce and how is the workload and the timetable for this degree.
  11. kaz1

    Assesment Marks vs. Exam Marks

    Which ones were higher for you? For me all my exam marks were higher than my assesment marks.
  12. kaz1

    Macquarie Actuary cut-off

    Just wondering what it might be since it wasn't in the UAC book and I was wondering if I had a chance of getting in with 95.1
  13. kaz1

    Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch'

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch' [/SIZE] Pretty old but I thought it shows what a shit county Saudi Arabia. Also interesting to see what the response on this forum might be.
  14. kaz1


    Whose been to this restaurant? I thought it was pretty good.
  15. kaz1

    Scrubs Season 9

    Starts December 1 in USA and December 2 for us. Apparently J.D. isn't the main character anymore and it's going to be set in med school rather than sacred heart. Still looking forward to it though. :)
  16. kaz1

    Internal Bra gives women permanent lift

    Internal bra gives women a permanent lift | Mail Online
  17. kaz1

    University Travel Passes

    Since you get bus passes and train passes for school I was wondering if you get them for University.
  18. kaz1

    The Internet is killing the Sex Industry

    Online dating|sex industry
  19. kaz1

    What would happen if...

    the marking centre caught on fire and our HSC exams are destroyed?
  20. kaz1

    The Hobbit

    Who else reckons this book is awesome?