Offered Program3715 - Engineering/Commerce
Accepted Program3653 - Software Engineering/Commerce
How can I change this I accidentally chose Software Engineering instead of normal Engineering. I called UNSW and I have holding for like half an hour.
Will I be able to change or am I screwed...
Some of the majors I saw have absolutely no job prospects. So why do people still do these degrees?
edit:No offence intended at those who are studying arts or plan to study arts.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch'
Pretty old but I thought it shows what a shit county Saudi Arabia. Also interesting to see what the response on this forum might be.
Starts December 1 in USA and December 2 for us.
Apparently J.D. isn't the main character anymore and it's going to be set in med school rather than sacred heart.
Still looking forward to it though. :)