Are you allowed to use your unseen texts as related texts if you've been to lazy to find related texts?
I got my related texts but I'm just curious as one of my related texts from last year came up in my prelim exam.
Can anyone give some feedback on my belonging essay?
The need to belong is an aspect that makes us human and the feeling of belonging makes us feel fulfilled. To belong is when an individual feels a sense of acceptance by being part of a group or culture. Belonging is an inherent human...
Millennium Prize Problems
Millennium Prize Problems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You get $1million for solving one of these questions:
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
Hodge Conjecture
Navier-Stokes Equations
P vs NP
Riemann Hypothesis
Yang-Mills Theory
The Poincaré...
Can someone have a look at my essay?
The question is: Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley and Blade Runner, Directed by Ridley Scott share many common attributes, most notably, that time has demonstrated both texts' significance to society. Explore this statement.
Frankenstein by Mary...
Say you forget your calculator for a Maths test. How would you do stuff like square root, log, sin, cos, tan, power of e, inverse trig and other stuff.
For part (ii) I got y= 1±√(1-2x). In Terry Lee's solutions it says y= 1-√(1-2x) but I don't understand why it is minus. Can someone please explain it to me?
Should I drop Economics? My current rank is third but I don't really like the course. Also it adds to the intense workload that includes Extension 2 Mathematics. The other thing is that there is only one window of opportunity to drop it because my school has this stupid policy where you have to...
I recently scored quite well in an Economics essay by bullshitting statistics and graphs. They weren't completely bull shit as in I knew the general shape of the graph and I knew an approximate value for the statistic. But would you get away with this in the HSC exam? Would the markers actually...
Are the standard of questions in this book regarded as easy or difficult ( I find it difficult)? Are the questions in these of higher standard than exam questions?
I can do most of the questions but I am finding some very difficult.