Explain the history of India, including evidence of colonisation and the nature of its economic structure (market/mixed/centrally planned)
Can someone give me an idea on how I set out this essay or what type of content I put in.
This is from the Cambridge book ex 2.2 9(c). Unfortunately there isn't an answer.
z has a modulus r and argument @. Find in terms of r and @ the modulus and one argument of iz.
I got |z|=r and Arg= pi-@, can anyone clarify this?
How do you find oblique asymptotes? In the function y= x + 1/x the oblique asymptote is y=x. I found this asymptote by by putting x close to infinity. Is there a better way of doing it? The correct way? I find my way too noobish and I think it might not work all the time.
Anyone knows of dotpoints that do these things:
Graphed relationships
Curve of best fit
Problem solving strategies
Creative Solution in a practical
Cause and effect- formulate a relationshipAny help would be greatly appreciated.
1.Express x4 + x2 +1 as a difference of two squares. Hence factor x4 + x2 +1 into two quadratic factors.
Figured out the first question.
2.Express x6 + 2x4 + 2x2 +1 as a product of three quadratic factors.
I have no fucking clue.
What do they do? The principal in my school only does speeches at assemblies and walks around the school during periods.
They don't teach an classes and I'm pretty sure my principal doesn't do the financial stuff cause we have a business manager.
We had to write a monologue (max 3min) about Holden Caufield from the Novel The Catcher in the Rye. We had to write a monologue in the point of view of another characters point of view. I wrote in the point of view of Mr. Antolini ( the gay guy)...
J.K Rowling wrote a story about James and Sirius after the release of DH. You can read it here. It is genuine because there is also a copy in Rowling's own handwriting.
edit: It's actually a prequel.
Since Hillary Clinton is out, it is down to Barrack Obama and John Mccain.
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