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  1. kaz1

    Bread Question

    Since the conversion from Nitrogen to Ammonia is an equilibrium reaction are you supposed to assume the reaction went to completion? I did and got something like 1.7%. Are you allowed to do this?
  2. kaz1

    Industrial Chem

    I thought this section was pretty easy. What did everyone get for the K value. I got 5.something.
  3. kaz1

    SMH article on how shit is HSC English

    Comment by an English teacher:
  4. kaz1

    Best way to revise for Chemistry?

    IS it better to go over dotpoints or do past exams at this stage?
  5. kaz1

    Complex Numbers

  6. kaz1

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    I had some extra time and thought why not. But now I'm pretty worried. edit: It has been settled that you won't be disadvantaged and the people who don't agree are fucken douches. Now stop reading this thread and start studying for SOR, IPT or English Paper 2.
  7. kaz1

    Tell of teacher you hate after last exam

    Who's gonna tell off a teacher after the last exam?
  8. kaz1

    Electrical Engineering

    Does electrical engineering incorporate a lot of the Motors and Generators concepts in the HSC? I decided not too put it as one of my choices on the basis that I hate M&G.
  9. kaz1

    General Volumes Query

    When they just say "find the solid of revolution". Can you use any method (cylindrical shells and slicing) or do you have to use the slicing method?
  10. kaz1

    Complex numbers

  11. kaz1

    Volumes Question

  12. kaz1

    2016 Olympics in Rio

    The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Rio de Janeiro to Host 2016 Olympic Games
  13. kaz1

    Integratoin by substitution

    \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi }{4}}xsec^{2}x dx using substitution u= 1 +lnx
  14. kaz1

    Concenttration Question

    Edit: Never mind guys I figured it out.
  15. kaz1


    I can do part (i) and (ii) but can someone explain how to do part (iii)?
  16. kaz1


    Prove that if P(x) has root multiplicity m, then P'(x) has a root of multiplicity m-1 Thanks in advance.
  17. kaz1


    Can someone give an outline on how to write a good conclusion?
  18. kaz1

    Physics CSSA

    A Note from the Moderators: Please keep in mind not to give out the actual questions or a copy of the paper as there are copyright issues, not the mention the fact that some students may do the same paper as you at a different date and it is still within the security period. __________________...
  19. kaz1

    Usain Bolt 100m world record 9.58s

    I needed a good start - Bolt | Herald Sun
  20. kaz1

    CSSA Multiple choice

    CSSA 2002 7. Swimming pools are sterilised by adding calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OCl)2, or sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl. The equilibrium involved is: OCl-(aq) + H2O(l) <---> HOCl(aq) + OH-(aq) The species that is best at destroying bacteria and at resisting decompisition by sunlight is HOCl...