Given there's a UNSW thread, I thought it would be good to have a USYD one as well.
Anyone have any luck through this link yet?
I started uni in semester 2 last year after getting a 96.80 ATAR. I was doing a B Arts at USYD but then transferred to UTS doing Business/Law. My current WAM is 79 but I want to get into USYD Comm/Law.
Will the marks I attained at USYD still count towards a potential transfer or are they wiped...
I was doing Commerce at UNSW because I got the AAA scholarship when in fact I should have chosen a combined law alternative. However after hating commerce I want to apply for a single law degree starting next year at UTS. I know the cut off is 97.05 and despite people telling me I'll get in I...
I'm at UNSW Commerce and I completely dislike the course and I want to transfer to Arts at USYD. I don't want to finish this semester however offers come in on June 25th and it seems like a big risk just in case I am not accepted, only to be left with a degree I am not putting any effort into +...
I am at UNSW doing Commerce and that hasn't worked out the way I'd like it to have. I'm looking at enrolling in a B-Arts for Semester 2 at USYD however I'm confused at how the whole process works with choosing subjects for a history major. I went into the Uni yesterday and they gave me the...
I'm doing my 4 cores for a bachelor of commerce. All through school I studied very effectively by re-writing the textbook in my own words. Although I was always left with books and books of notes I could manage with doing a few 400 pages books over the year. I need to hand write my notes as it...
I've decided I'm doing a bachelor of commerce but I can't decide which uni to choose. I have the marks needed to attend either uni and I have been to both open days including the ones today. There are a number of pros and cons as to why I can't decide.
- better campus
- better...
My school only does up until 421. Will the HSC ever ask for 2 essays on part 1 or 2 on part 2 as opposed to one on each as they have every year since it was part of the syllabus?