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  1. iambored

    IMPORTANT email from uni admin!

    LOL and I thought that my computer was the problem.
  2. iambored

    It's that time of semester...

    LOL!! Yes I had this freak out two days ago but I am now calm because all will be good.
  3. iambored

    Procrastinate with me- Answerful

    I want to graduate because I want to know what it feels like to spend a weekend without doing an assignment. I'm so drained that I'm not expecting to come back after graduation any time soon, I want some good experience first. However, when I finish I will probably forget what it feels like to...
  4. iambored

    Who started BoS?

    I feel so old when I read this thread. Imagine not knowing who started BOS. Everyone would have known a few years back.
  5. iambored

    Procrastinate with me- Answerful

    I keep writing half a response in this thread then decide I can't be bothered to finish typing it and that I'm suddenly motivated to do work and delete it!
  6. iambored

    ok serious question: the new blackboard system

    We don't get stars to indicate new content. It's crap because I waste so much time going to every unit's page, looking for new content.
  7. iambored

    Big Brother 2008

    It's crashed and burned for the last five years. So I don't see how Young fit hotties > "Diversity"
  8. iambored

    Investment Banking - which degree to do?

    Thanks, I thought it might be that but I didn't realise investment banking would be a 9-1 lifestyle, I thought it'd be more 9-11 or something so I thought I might have been wrong.
  9. iambored

    Investment Banking - which degree to do?

    What is a 9 - 1 lifestyle?
  10. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    It's not past the lake, it's the other way on the grass near W and X. The big building that you can see diagonally to your left if you stand on the grass next to the library. Lol maybe someone else can give a better description.
  11. iambored

    Lecture Slides - How long before lecture?

    You'd have to check with your convenor because it varies from subject to subject, but they should be there at least the night before! I think the least amount of time that I have had for a subject is the night before. Although some lecturers only put them up after the lecture because they think...
  12. iambored

    Organising itunes

    How do you organise your itunes? I am having problems with songs that have multiple artists. I do not want the featured artist's name as part of the song's name. I do not want the features artist in the same field as the album artist because there are then too many artists listed. So I...
  13. iambored

    Yay semester!

    Did you dodge pwar's bullet? ;)
  14. iambored

    Yay semester!

    It's only a 3 day o-week this year! :eek: So wait, who's left mac since last year? From this thread it seems that everyone who was threatening to leave are still at mac?
  15. iambored

    WebCt only shows one subject out of four

    Mine aren't up yet.
  16. iambored

    MQ email problem

    don't hope too much, it won't ;)
  17. iambored

    No SAM card :(

    lol that would explain why I heard about the chips on this board but could never work out how to buy them from that place!
  18. iambored

    Trouble with eStudnet

    Usually first years do go in for enrolment but I don't know what they are doing this year. Maybe post a screenshot? Usually you click on the blue bar at the bottom 'I want to... view the selected course in detail' to see your course
  19. iambored

    MacBook Air

    Give me a price drop and a cd/dvd drive and I'm there (as with iamsickofyear12 - I didn't notice that the cd/dvd drive was external and optional until your post, it's a given these days! Not as impressed as I first was)
  20. iambored

    Results thread yo!

    We Were Robbed Of A Countdown Thread! :(