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  1. iambored

    Macquarie Centre carpark

    Thanks for that information!
  2. iambored

    Macquarie Centre carpark

    But it says this: so I assume you get a notice if you're there for more than 1 or 3 hours yet it won't target customers and they need to show proof of purchase... This is stupid in so many ways. If you get an infringement notice, go and buy something to show that you were 'shopping.' It...
  3. iambored

    Macquarie Centre carpark

    When is the train station supposed to be finished? I don't understand the e-mail though - are they saying that all of their parking areas now have a 3 hour limit, however if you're a shopper and can show proof of purchasing something, the limit doesn't apply?
  4. iambored

    Cigarette sales on campus

    sounds good to me but as others have said, it's not going to cut down smoking
  5. iambored

    Goodbye everybody!

    Have a great time pwar!
  6. iambored

    Procrastinate with me: What are your indulgences during exam time?

    LOL well a while ago I was thinking "zomg my addiction to BOS has gone!!" until I realised, it has only been replaced :(. I blame uni.
  7. iambored

    Procrastinate with me: What are your indulgences during exam time?

    I wonder if forums have been quieter since facebook/myspace picked up
  8. iambored

    Procrastinate with me: What are your indulgences during exam time?

    I go to the fridge. I walk around the house. However most of my breaks are spent emailing and internet messaging people.
  9. iambored

    Procrastinate with me: What are u going to do after your exams

    Re: Teh end! aaaaah forever?? congratulations! who else here is finishing forever? pwar this is deja vu
  10. iambored

    Procrastination Thread - Where would you go?

    is pwar new mac mod? where have i been? how long after you left did he take the place?
  11. iambored

    Presentation Tips

    :confused: So you don't like it when people look at the projector screen? I like it better because their eye gaze looking to where they are up to allows me to know where they are up to on the powerpoint and i can follow it better.
  12. iambored

    Law Revue 07 - Video Skits

    the cast video is password protected but i love the others!
  13. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread Also a heads up - tomorrow there is downtime from 9am until 4pm. I'd like to add that it's before week 7 of uni, why they can't wait another week is beyond me. They seem to do this every single semester.
  14. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread I know i'm always the one posting here but it seems like every time i need the library site it's down!!!! So it is currently down and they expect someone to look at it tomorrow because of the public holiday. :chainsaw: :chainsaw: This public...
  15. iambored

    when is draft timetable coming out ?

    no but if you do a search you might be able to see when threads have been started in previous years and therefore when it came out in previous years
  16. iambored

    Conception Day Info Thread

    thanks for the info about getting tickets!
  17. iambored

    Pictures of Mac

    i saw it too and it does look pretty good, the walkays through the grass are hopefully in more appropriate places too
  18. iambored

    How would you promote MQ?

    i just want to use my sign off thingy -i_a_b
  19. iambored

    Conception Day Info Thread

    is concep day on the 14th?