Search results

  1. M

    getting into education/teaching through tafe?

    Well You could do a Diploma in Children’s Services which caters for Early Childhood/Childcare settings. This is a good choice because it will give you an hands on experience working with children. It will also give you an understand of children’s development. Universities like people who...
  2. M

    How to get to the Strathfield Campus...?

    Yeah..hehe thanks I found the place by walking...that was good walk :D
  3. M

    How to get to the Strathfield Campus...?

    Hi I need to go to the ACU strathfield campus..i have not ever been there before and don't really know how to get there.. Does anyone here know how to get to ACU Strathfield Campus from Strathfield station?
  4. M

    Anyone keen for Macquarie?

    Ive selected Macquarie as one my uni preferences... I hope to study B of Ed Early Childhood or B Art (psychology)...
  5. M


    Hi All! I just wanted to ask about Accommodations that I saw on their website. So what is the accommodations like at Macquarie University? in terms like fees,costings etc :cool:
  6. M

    Cert. to get into UNi

    Hi there! as recommended to similar thread to yours - The Tertiary Preparation Certificate is very good course to go for. It has range of subjects for you to choose from. I know there is a Legal subject in the TPC. Teachers' really prepare you for university in this course and provide you...
  7. M

    Certificate to get into Uni

    I recommend you doing the TPC (Tertiary Preparation Certificate) I did the course at Ultimo TAFE It is fantastic you have different subjects to choose from in your case science of chemistry, biology, chemistry.. the teachers prepare you for university as well the skills you need for...
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    ultimo tafe

    Its actually located next to Broadway campus of UTS , near chinatown, across from ABC centre and its just minutes walk from central station. and its actually great TAFE ><
  9. M

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Yes you can repeat HSC at TAFE HSC is a certficate III there is another option higher than the HSC it is called the TPC - Tertiary Preparation Certificate it is a Certificate IV This course actually prepares you if want to go to unversity or further studies in TAFE. I find the TPC is...
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    i love ultimo tafe

    Re: ???? I agree I love ultimo tafe its sooo relaxing its the best!
  11. M

    how far is bankstown campus from the station?

    you can catch the 922 Veolia Transport bus comes every 30 mins 1/2 hour and it stops right in front of the uni as you walk out of bankstown station walk right out the exit/ turn right again you can see bus shelters no 6:)
  12. M

    TAFE > UNI, but got rejected

    Hi it depends on what level of certificate you have done at TAFE. From what I know most universities accept certificate IV, diploma and Advance diploma it also depends on what you got as in marks. most universities such as uws, uts, wollongong, newcastle etc do accept TAFE graduates. also if...
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    Agree! Lecturers might have a different idea to what books they want you to buy or to have. :)
  14. M

    An annoying question!!

    school of arts or college of arts because it shares the same school as my course :)
  15. M

    Can someone please give me an honest opinon?

    UWS is not shit it is alright I just don't like the course I am doing thats all that i don't like. la de da da da
  16. M

    primary teaching at uws

    well uws don't offer a Bachelor of education, Primary teaching anymore which is why you have to do Bachelor of Arts 3 years and Dip of education to become a teacher. you have to I guess select units that are relevent to Primary teaching. I wanted Primary teaching as well so I selected that...
  17. M


    I don't think you can at uws but i do know you can do that at the sydney uni at the sydney con of music i found out this year at their open day they offer b of arts with bachelor music majors you can also do that combined or bachelor of music (music education) if you want to teach music in...
  18. M

    Linguistics or Language

    Hi does anyone here study a language or linguistics or linguistics units?? It complusory for my course not looking forward to it . well anyways i cannot make up my mind between the two Linguistics or Language which would you recommend if you study either of these units?? :)
  19. M

    Subjects per semester

    Well I don't really think doing 3 units would ruin the GPA, from what I was told 3 units is still consider a full time mode. More likely it really depends on yourself working at your own pace to suit your needs. for eg: if you can handle 4 units then go for it if you feel its too much to handle...
  20. M

    others ways to enter UWS apart from the UAI

    I did an tafe course applied to go to uws through uac and got in. of course i had another option doing the STATS test i didn't wanna.