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  1. M

    1st year student

    no worries you only missed one lecture you can try to find out what you missed. being late just walk in and sit down. but it is wise try to goto those lectures/tutorials its designed to assist you with assesments, exams etc
  2. M


    lol break for me one class starts/finishes i have one after it.. originally i selected morning classes for mondays but the ppl in charge changed the times to 5.00pm-6.00pm -6-7pm... I don't mind it ..just live distance from uni and buses i take finishes at 8pm...oh well
  3. M


    i have classes one after another....grrr
  4. M

    How are you feeling about starting uni

    me too! yeah same here with my id .. i was there monday they took my picture and all but they told me to try coming sometime this week or next week to pick it up.
  5. M


    lol no kidding I ended up with very early morning classes ..because it took me longer to find my timetable and the ones I wanted were taken..:haha:
  6. M


    WebMail '+X.Login+' this link :)
  7. M

    Equity Scholarship

    Hi Does anyone here received an equity scholarship this year? or held one previous years? I am asking because I received one I've send my acceptance letter .. i haven't heard any reply they have received it.. so I am unsure how this scholarship works and how i can tell it has paid my fees etc...
  8. M


    Program Maps -They show your units that you need to enroll for this year 2nd, 3rd & 4th year etc which we enrol in our student connect.. the Tutorial direct shows the subjects you enrolled in and what times you can select that suits you. The Student Centre staff showed me how do it lol...
  9. M


    I selected my school - Education choose the degree - for eg - BTECEC then select Program Maps - this shows your timetable for your classes for your degree.
  10. M


    Hey..which one do you ppls select the 12 wk Academic Calendar or 18 wk study period???
  11. M

    need help enrolling

    lol i can log in to my student account... but im stilll having trouble enrolling such as like knowing what my degree's timetable looks like so i know what to enrol confusing arrugh
  12. M

    I cannot log in to student connect

    hmm student id:is one the offering letter the one that has S at the right hand corner password:is your birthday date for eg:17 March1984 it should look like this 17031984 (unless y'all i have changed something)
  13. M


    Hi all I know am supposed to enrol and all... i want to know where I can find the timetables of the class and units Im suppose to enrol into.
  14. M

    Who else is goin to ACU?

    Yep ACU - Strathfield Campus - Bachelor of Teaching - Early Childhood
  15. M

    Ultimo Tafe - please help

    I finished Tert prep course at Ultimo last year.. i didn't do any sciences but they are definitely sciences in the course like Biology, Chemistry,Physics. I had friends who has selected these in the tert preparation course. Doing the TPC is a excellent choice it whips you for uni or other tafe...
  16. M

    On Campus Accommodation

    Yeah I agree MUV is cheaper...might go there if get into mac I went on tour to DLC looks alright but it is so damn expensive im not keen on catering food thing.
  17. M

    On Campus Accommodation

    I ve been thinking about living on one of those On Campus Accommodation so i can be close to uni I wonder if anyone here recommends it ... like is it worth living in? afforable? Which on campus accommodation would you recommend is the best..second etc
  18. M

    Which Tafe for these subjects

    students that is hehe
  19. M

    Which Tafe for these subjects

    sure TPC isn't like the HSC it is design for people who haven't successfully achieved well in their HSC or haven't got their hsc for whatever reasons. This gives them a boost teaching them university academic style to prepare them for university or futher educational studies. it has similar...
  20. M

    Which Tafe for these subjects

    Do you want to study the HSC? this list looks like the subjects taken in the HSC you can study the HSC at TAFE or maybe Tertiary Preparation Certificate I think you should have chat with a TAFE counsellor they know more about courses and give you advice etc