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  1. M

    Transfer from uws

    Hi has anyone here ever transfer from uws to another university in another state of Australia? I think i be moving next year to another state which means i have to continue uni over there. I am just not sure how to um transfer from uws to the other state does anyone know how i can transfer...
  2. M

    Student fares on public transport

    Yeah u do have to get a new sticker every year. usually fill in a green slip/form hand it in to the student centre and they put a sticker on your card. im not too sure about now perhaps ask the student centre people.
  3. M

    bankstown CIT labs?

    it opens at 9am closes at 9pm
  4. M

    So whats it like at UWS?

    UWS is okay i go to the bankstown campus smallish some teachers/lectures are alright some aren't. i don't particuarly enjoy my degree but i still find it okay
  5. M

    Which of the campuses have you been to before?

    Bankstown, Parramatta, campbelltown and penrith
  6. M

    Library Access to eresources a problem

    thats strange its working fine for me on my computer at home
  7. M


    at bankstown i never had to pay to use it.
  8. M

    start of spring semester

    Hiya probably a stupid question but when do we start classes for spring semester? i was told 28th of july just wanted to confirm if it is right. :)
  9. M

    Autumn Results 2006

    Im damn nervous about the results i know i passed im will be just happy to just pass lol
  10. M

    census date?

    Hi does anyone here know when the census date is for next semester :confused: thanks :)
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    Hi I have a question i am thinking of transfering to another university doing a different course. But I am not really sure how to do that from uws does anyone know how? :)
  12. M


    Hi i have two questions actually 1) does anyone here study Bachelor of Music at UWS? I am thinking of studying of Bachelor of Music part time. i just wanted to know what they course is like? whats involved in it? wats the actually requirements to getting? stuff like that. 2) I also...
  13. M

    Does anyone else have problems with their WEBct?

    Not that I know of I always pay my fees
  14. M

    Spring Semester Enrolments...

    and thanks ppls for the info :)
  15. M

    Spring Semester Enrolments...

    Hi I am a 2nd year student and i forget to enrol my spring when i did the enrolments last year. I wondering if anyone here knows when the spring semester enrolments are supposed to be dued in by? thanks
  16. M

    And you thought UWS wasn't good

    Generally in having a ball here here, and if you're enjoying what you're studying at your uni, whichever one that may be, then there's no need for debate. Happy people. YAY Amen!
  17. M

    UWS webmail

    I have this problem too when i logged into my email i can see it but when im at home i can see who sent it but can't see what the subject is about. so i put an alternative email address like a hotmail or yahoo in. so whenever i get mail in my student email box it sents a copy in my other one.
  18. M

    And you thought UWS wasn't good

    whoa we discussed this before in the other thread why we talking about it again