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  1. muzeikchun852

    Do you require do read related texts for AOS other than the two prescribed texts?

    last year ESL student here. in exam, you only need one related text for your essay NORMALLY, therefore teacher normally asks to prepare two to match up the essay (but stuff it haha. the essay question in ESL is pretty easy to twist it) module A: you need one related for your essay. only one...
  2. muzeikchun852

    Graduate salaries

    too true.
  3. muzeikchun852

    Who here is heading to UNSW in 2012?

    b.comm/b.sci (adv maths)
  4. muzeikchun852

    What is actuarial studies ?

    A few friends want to do it and im quite interested as well. so what is actuarial studies ? what job does it lead to ?
  5. muzeikchun852

    What is actuarial studies ?

    A few friends want to do it and im quite interested as well. so what is actuarial studies ? what job does it lead to ?
  6. muzeikchun852

    ok. thank you.

    ok. thank you.
  7. muzeikchun852

    and what course did you do for your first year ?

    and what course did you do for your first year ?
  8. muzeikchun852

    ok. thanks :D

    ok. thanks :D
  9. muzeikchun852

    Good Headphone brands

  10. muzeikchun852

    hey. what courses did you do for your sem 1 first year ? if i want to do quant risk, should i do...

    hey. what courses did you do for your sem 1 first year ? if i want to do quant risk, should i do MATH1141 or MATH1151 ?
  11. muzeikchun852

    Taking Notes in Uni

    which apps do you use for it ?
  12. muzeikchun852

    Your longest lec/tut hours without breaks ?

    What's your longest hours that you have done without breaks ? What's the longest hours that you recommend ?
  13. muzeikchun852

    What is investment banking?

    so would hong kong be a better market for IBs career wise?
  14. muzeikchun852

    Calculations in Short Response

    what was the question for galvanic cell ?
  15. muzeikchun852

    Multiple Choice

    really ?
  16. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    yeah i know. not too stress about it :D
  17. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    lol. i said it precipitates any fertiliser that might effect the pH of the soil. would get a mark for it ?
  18. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    if i remember the question right, by saying acetic acid wont really matter unless your molar ratio is right.
  19. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    this. arrhenius's limitation on aqueous solution but still valid and correct.
  20. muzeikchun852

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    yeah they only expect you to write one page anyway.