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  1. R

    Melb vs Monash

    From what I've heard, Monash is better in Engineering. Whereas Melbourne Uni is better in Commerce and artsy subjects.
  2. R

    Textbooks:Uni Book Store or Amazon?

    booko is fantastic as the above poster mentioned. I absolutely love how it compares all the prices of online bookshops and tells you which is the best to buy.
  3. R

    Any transfer students got credit exemption from previous studies yet???

    As above. Or are you folks still waiting for the email from your respective USyd faculties?
  4. R

    So how long is a long day...?

    A long day for me is a 6 hour day. If I were you, I would choose the timetable that gives you a day off. During assignment time, that day off would be a life saver. There are also times you don't feel like going to uni every day. A 6 hour day is not too long. In high school, classes were almost...
  5. R

    Can I take up courses from other faculties?

    I think the diploma is included in your wam. Does it appear on your official transcript? I am interested in learning German but I rather take casual lessons offered by the university than take the diploma. It's one extra year and requires too much commitment (5 hours a week even during exam...
  6. R

    Comm/Sci or Commerce only @ UNSW?

    Yup this is absolutely true, my accounting tutor said something on the lines as that. OP, if you want to do Psychology, why not choose comm/arts? Science increases your contact hours dramatically and its core subjects makes it harder to get HDs in comparison to arts. If you really want to do...
  7. R

    Dilemma: MACQ or USYD

    Best of luck OP. Even if you don't get a successful transfer into 2nd year at USyd, you can try in later years. Or even try 2nd year at UNSW. Tah.
  8. R

    Melb vs Monash

    From what I've heard from family and friends, melbourne is better for commerce and arts. Whereas Monash is better for engineering. Honestly, I wouldn't bother travelling that far to Melb Uni. Monash is really good, it's not second tier, it's just not as prestigious as Melbourne (old boys' club)...
  9. R

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    Hey hun, don't feel paranoid. Just talk to people during the first few weeks. Everyone loves a really friendly person which they can open up to. Chin up. All the best :spin:
  10. R

    credit transfer form for commerce

    Oh yes, and if ANYONE gets an email regarding the outcome of their credit exemption application, please write in this thread. Thanks :)
  11. R

    Dilemma: MACQ or USYD

    Lol, what's there not to love :) With its beautiful sandstone buildings and incredibly slack admin that take forever to reply to an email, I'm definitely in! USyd is really good for artsy subjects apparently. But yeah, I agree with ya, taking the MACQ option provides a safety net. I would hate...
  12. R

    Dilemma: MACQ or USYD

    I meant if he did arts/law (combined degree), it would take 5 years. But if he takes social science first (3 years) and then apply for grad law (another 3 years), in total it would be 6 years. So the graduate law option would take one extra year. I never mentioned masters.
  13. R

    Enrolment variation is up and running

    Thanks OP, +rep for you. Kenny it's either O week or 19th Feb. I'm not sure.
  14. R

    Dilemma: MACQ or USYD

    I meant taking the social science degree and post grad law would just take one extra year compared to the combined undergrad degree. To each his own, I mean it's what the OP would do at USyd.
  15. R

    do you have to pay to live in colleges?

    By the way, do you get small discounts if you continue living in the college after your one year lease expires? I'm thinking of living there for the length of my degree.
  16. R

    credit transfer form for commerce

    Mate, you should have applied for exemption earlier. Bloody hell, it takes forever. I snail mailed it to them on the 25/1. The guy emailed me today and said it will take 8 more working days. The deadline for the credit exemption application is 19/2.
  17. R

    Is University overrated these days?

    I'm guessing Omar is at UNSW? Anyway, I always thought UNSW and Melb Uni's actuarial studies was the best, not Macquaire's.
  18. R

    Highest commer/business WAMs and GPAs

    You should aim for top 3-5% to get a HD in commerce.
  19. R

    Ritalin - Adderall

    Dearest Spence and Klara: Cowbell owns this thread, please kindly stop writing. Nothing would get into his thick skull. For further information, please refer to: Ask a Crack Hoe qnkxUKymB-k