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    entire syllabus tested in how many yrs??

    i like ur location spank_meh ;)
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    things of interest

    ohh, so the light still travels at 300 000m/s even tho ur moving? ok, makes more sense, so if ur moving at 100 000m/s in a car and u shine a light, the light moves away from u at 200 000m/s ? GOTCHA :P
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    things of interest

    what happens if ur travelling at 60km/h in a car and u shine a light torche in front of u, will the light travel the speed of light + the speed ur travelling? or will the speed of light still be the same (ie. 300 000m/s)?
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    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    for the lead ion determination i said add iodide ions to the sample of water suspected of containing lead. if a yellow precipitate (PbI2) forms then lead ions are present in the solution :)
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    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    i drew ammonia as increasing and i drew the hydrogen and nitrogen as decreasing beyond T2. Because it asked what would happen if the volume of the vessel was decreased, thus higher pressure and higher yield of ammonia. so i hope im right
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    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    Yeah karen, i had to go to the dentist to get a root canal yesterday, ouchy :(, and before that i didnt study chem coz i was too nervous about the dentist surgery, but when i got home at around 5pm yesterday thats when i started studyin full on (well not so much) and this morning since 4:30am...
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    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    yeah where was the OZONE and the CFC and the monitoring and the hoo hoo and the haa haa??? It was good that they repeated the alkane and alkene question tho, coz i already did the past paper.
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    WHO left early?!

    I find it almost impossible to finish off the entire exam in 2 hours time or a bit longer. Unless u can write incredibly fast and answer everything u need to. Coz i write fairly quick and im careful about everything i answer and i always answer everything as succintly as possible to get marks...
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    calcium carbonate q

    ah crap! i got 1.4g :( now i remember that i timesed the moles of the HCL by 2 coz there was 2 moles of it. I shouldntve!!! grrr. Ah well, i recon i nailed the rest of the exam, the majority of it anyway :)
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    lol @ capture recapture, yeh good luck trying to catch 200 million grasshoppers and tagging each of them. I wrote the way to estimate how widespread an infestation would be is by 'checking weather observations to see how hot and humid it is, and thus how much crop yield there would be in an...
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    communication option

    theres a prac/experiment u do in ur biology course to estimate the size of red blood cells. Red blood cells are approx. 7 micro-meteres not nm (nanometres).
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    communication option

    lol i hope so, i mean the exam wasnt all that hard and i tried most questions my hardest. Id predict my mark to be around the low 80s, possibly high 80s, id be very happy with that. I wouldnt even mind high 70s either. OMG stupid multiple choice question on smoking. i got that one wrong...
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    communication option

    Oh yeah, thats because they counted every possible offspring including females, so 1 in 4 chance of being colour blind. But i think it's also correct to say 50% chance (or 1 in 2) only counting the males in the possible offspring. So yeah, i think u could be right either way ;)
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    communication option

    umm, i stated that Jack has a 50% chance of being colour blind if Maria (his mum) was a carrier of the colour blind condition. Coz i think Maria couldve been XCXc or XCXC (C being normal vision and c being recessive colour blind gene). And her husband, i forgot his name, is unaffected...
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    communication option

    to me the hardest one was the "assess the use of micrographs for structure of neurones" . I didnt know exactly what to write about there so i guess i lost a bit of marks there.
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    communication option

    well the question didnt ask u to but i decided to tho just to show the marker that i understand how the action potential works. So hopefully i can get some benefit from that.
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    human story, out of syllabus

    I dont think thats something which should initiate controversy among students and HSC markers. In the core we had the question about locusts which my teacher said it wasnt in the syllabus, but that particular question is asking u to use available data and evidence as well as your skill and...
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    communication option

    Yeah i had a similar answer to that but yes i think u mean a stimulus of at least 15milliVolts from the resting potential of -70mV to create an action potential ;). That question ruled, i even managed to draw up a nice graph showing the action potential :D
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    I'm pretty sure I just died.

    yeh, i almost ran out of room on that one, had lots of fun doing it, i recon i got 6-7-8 marks for that. Filled out every single line in the WHOLE paper for EACH question :D
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    Yeah basically Species A which had salt crystals on it's leaves is an adaptation. They have special features in their leaves which accumulates salt and discards them on top of their leaves, ready for rain to wash them off. Species B has thick waxy cuticle which is an adaptation to conserve...