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  1. B

    How much should we write for each 40 min section??

    I would say write about 300-400 words, OR about 5-6 pages of the booklet depending on how big ur writing is. Im probably gona do about 5-6 pages using all my related texts, which is gonna be enuf for me, ill likely fail this paper but meh, i hate it anyway. good luck to u tho :)
  2. B

    Coffs High saw paper 2 ?!?!?!

    meh, i guess ur right with the advantage thing, it really wouldnt be fair. O well, just memorize ur essays and learn to transform it into different forms (ie. article, interview, letter, speech, etc)
  3. B

    Yehhhh 1 done...

    A year 9 and 10er couldve done that exam without any fuss i recon, but i still think its generous of them not to torture us with excruciating questions :). But beware Paper 2 is a killer :/
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    What am I still doing up?

    uh, getting ready for a thing called the HSC? :rolleyes:
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    jacaranda pg 131

    angel, is it the model DC motor? come on, ur a clever angel u should know lol ;)
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    What am I still doing up?

    i feel confident, scared, good, terrified, tired, excited....oh i donno anymore :rolleyes: . I just cant believe its my HSC EXAM TODAY!!!! its scary to think about it, but then again all the year 12s r doing it :). I hope i dont faint or throw up from my lack of sleep.
  7. B

    What am I still doing up?

    well how good am i, i had 1 hour of sleep yay. O well better than no sleep. Yep sure looks like a wet start to the HSC in parts of sydney with heavy onshore rain and cool winds. Should make for an interesting and distracting one for me :rolleyes:
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    What am I still doing up?

    "omg people. go to sleeeeeeeep" Yeah what are U doing up then? :P
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    What am I still doing up?

    oh kool im not alone :D hehe. Im just not tired at all, unusual for me. It must be the exam stress to some extent. But o well, im goin to bed as soon as i come home from the exam (12pm-ish), but for now ill just keep lying with my eyes shut in an attempt to rest my body as much as i can and...
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    What am I still doing up?

    Ive been lying in bed since 9pm up until now and not for a single moment did i fall asleep. This is ridiculous, maybe my body just doesnt feel the need, or maybe the anticipation of the HSC is too great, o well. Im not planning on falling asleep tho coz im too scared ill wake up in the middle of...
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    You know what sucks?

    think about this scoby, there are 65 000 other students in ur position, u arent the only one ;) And watch channel 7 news rite now, theres a story about the eve of the HSC, it might help calm down the nerves :)
  12. B

    who else hasnt studied much today??

    ROFLMAO @ that. I just cried of laughter the whole way through haahhahahahaahahahhahaahahha. "tick-tock (that is the tick-tocking clock at school) is telling me I have 2 minutes left. I wish I had more time, then I could continue" well i certainly hope not :P...
  13. B

    does everyone else go shit in section one? or just me?

    enigma, that looks more like 26 days until u crash ur car into that mushroom or wateva it is rofl :)
  14. B

    HSC examination rules - what a joke

    One of the worst rule for the hsc exam i have ever heard is the fact that we MUST remove our watches 10 minutes prior to the start of the exam. This is for the reason that they suspect the electronic watches may have a feature on them which will enable us to communicate in audio or digital...
  15. B

    You know what sucks?

    whatever you do DONT hit ur head with a hammer. That will damage ur brain and thus ur memory and knowledge. The front of the cerebrum is where ur memory is stored so i suggest not. Go to sleep at 8pm tonight and wake up at 5:30am that way u can revise further, thats what im gonna do anyway. Get...
  16. B

    Less than 24...

    heh, thats a good pun that one :P
  17. B

    Less than 24...

    Stuge, what do u mean im only going for 80? i feel like im gonna miss out on my 80 UAI mark for some reason lol. I studied enuf for these exams but come now i feel like when i go into that room and look at that paper, i wont be able to answer any questions they throw at me. I donno, if im...
  18. B

    Less than 24...

    Its less than 24 hours now until the journey begins and im scared, nervous, freaking out, i feel like im gonna die tomorrow morning!! i cant believe its happening tomorrow!!! aaaarghh lol. I cant even study properly from how nervous i am. I know my texts well, ive got 3 related texts, ive got 2...
  19. B

    how do u avoid writing too much for s1 1/2/3 mark q's

    Rink, thats a good question, and ill answer it for you in a full brief summary of what i think they ask u to write for your full marks. heres an example question from a past paper from another school: "Each of these texts offers a particular perspective on journeys. Compare and contrast the...
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    question on TEMPEST

    Hi guys, I've studied The Tempest in class and ive written the journeys essay for it along with the other related texts. Im just wondering if in the essay we should write for example "blah blah...and this is seen in Act 1 Scene 2; "Doust think usurp watever watever". Is the "This is seen in act...