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  1. B

    How did everyone go?

    That was one of the most enjoyable exams ive ever sat, i literally smiled and laughed the whole way until the end (during random periods). 5 questions which i predicted showed up in the exam (named infectious disease, difference between bacteria/virus, definition of pathogen, action potential...
  2. B

    Howd u go??

    That was the easiest paper ive ever laid my eyes upon, was enjoyable also, i literally smiled and laughed the whole way thru. Was nice n easy, they didnt put anything too major and hard, band 7 for me! :D
  3. B

    last minute help

    ok basically what you have to do is describe the energy transformations occuring from when the light hits the retina to the point when the electrochemical signals are sent to the brain and the structures/features which make this possible. So...the light is absorbed by the photoreceptor...
  4. B

    Action Potentials???

    This is what i have in my notes in probably the most GENERAL terms Threshold is the minimum stimulation required to create an action potential in a nerve cell. The resting potential of a neurone is about -70mV (milli Volts). The minimum amount is usually a change in membrane potential...
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    ok "enantiostasis" and "homeostasis" is both in the MAINTAINING A BALANCE topic, not blueprint of life. ENANTIOSTASIS: Maintenance of metabolic and physiological functions in response to variations in the environment. An estuary is where river meets salt water from the sea. Estuarine...
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    Simple Question on Veins

    Yeah, but generally/usually Arteries carry oxygenated and Veins carry de-oxygenated, we are excluding abnormal people in this case. The syllabus doesnt ask us to discuss the people with those conditions.
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    damn u Maths 2U!!!. I looked forward to doing the paper but now i wish i hadnt. I didnt do any of question 8 or 10 as i didnt have time to do it, i predicted my mark to be anywhere between 81-87/120, probably just enuf to scrape the crappy 70% mark. I SCREWED UP!!! *CRIES* :(:(:( ah well, ill...
  8. B

    Bird Flu and Quarantine

    Yeah, there was a question on bird flu and quarantine in last years paper showing a map and how far south bird flu has come to australia and it asked u to evaluate the effectiveness of quarantine measures in australia using bird flu as an example. But i recon that the government won't do...
  9. B

    Significant Figures

    i dont think 0.00 has 3 significant figures, there doesnt appear to be any NON-ZERO digit numbers in there. You cant get that answer of 0.00 in an exam if they ask u to find something to lets say 3 sig fig. It will be a number where there will be NON ZERO figures and u have to write it to 3...
  10. B

    question 10

    Wats really surprising is the fact that most students will lose a lot of marks thru easy mistakes on easy questions, especially in the 1st question where it tests u on the VERY general maths. Things like putting the right things in the calculator in the right positions and right orders, things...
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    Big reminder to you all...

    Im bringing 2 CASIO fx82TL's into the exam, and a....wait a minute...made in china?? :|
  12. B

    How many pages did you write?

    Mod A: In the wild - 5 pages (39mins) Mob B: Speeches - 6 pages (38mins) Mod C: History + Memory - 5 pages (41mins) all in small writing - 2 mins to spare
  13. B


    lol shellybelly. Since the beginning of this year, actually since the beginning of my high school years ive been so lazy to study and i still am to some extent. When theres an important exam coming up sure i sit down and study as much as i can, as hard as i can. Back then this was a problem as...
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    t(^_^t ) To English!!

    yeah paper 2 was enjoyable, i owned it nicely. NO MOREE ENGLISHHHH :D. Cant wait for maths next monday :D
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    How Did You Go ?

    pfft who said that paper was going to be hard :rolleyes: . I carned that one nice n easily. I was one of the lucky ones for speeches coz the question asked to refer to THREE speeches and i knew 3 speeches really well so i guess i was lucky there. For in the wild the question was quite...
  16. B

    Anybody worried about english paper 2?

    yeah i agree with suhini, study ur texts hard for the next 13 hours and u wont have to worry about english ever again after 11:30am tomorrow (except those doing extension - sorry guys lol). :)
  17. B

    Anybody worried about english paper 2?

    I called the advice line yesterday and he told me that the chances of them specifying a specific text in speeches is very low, because it hasnt been done since 01-02. Last years questions were much better and i hope this years is similar to last years. My essays for tomorrow are very short...
  18. B

    standard v advanced

    im not an english-knowledgelated person but i decided to take on advanced after my teacher suggested i do ESL or standard...eww. The only reason i didnt wanna do standard is coz its probly easier and it gets scaled down easily. Advanced i dont like that much but im actually doing pretty good...
  19. B

    We Have To Resit The Hsc English Papers!!!

    thats a bunch of rubbish. If the teachers and students were convinced enough that 1-2 students out of the 66000 saw the question, I recon they wouldve altered the questions to what it was supposed to already be, that way if there was a whinge outbreak that it wouldnt really affect the paper.
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    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    Is it also true that markers who are marking the paper, not just in english, but in any other subject, that if they cant read ur writing they just give up on trying to make out what it says that they just give u full marks for it? Coz ive read some past responses from students who got a band 6...