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    Hsc Prediction....

    well ive got 3 related texts prepared for my Paper 1 section 3, and i just did a time trial and it took me 37 minutes and 23 seconds to write it out full speed, which was pretty good effort, that leaves me with another 2 minutes to spare :D. If the question asks me to use the longer of my 2...
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    3 days or 21 days?

    well sucked in to those selectivers, ill be laughing hard at them when i finish and they only just get started :D
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    tangent question

    how is dy/dx = -2/x^2 not the derivative of y = 1/(2x) 1/(2x) is the same as 2x^-1 isnt it, u times the front by -1 and u bring the power down by 1 giving u x^-2 so that gives u -2x^-2 therefore -2/(x^2) ????
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    tangent question

    isnt the derivative of y = 1/(2x) dy/dx = -2/x^2 ?
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    Infectious Disease

    hi guys, im just wondering if Food poisoning is an infectious disease? It is transmitted through food and not through humans, so i dont understand whether its a nutritional disease, or an infectious disease? If it is an infectious, how many marks would I get if i answered a question where...
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    Simple Question on Veins

    Arteries are thick-walled vessels which carry oxygenated blood away from the heart under HIGH pressure, and effectively pumps blood to all parts of the body. Veins are thin-walled vessels carrying de-oxygenated blood TO the heart under low pressure, and have valves present to prevent back...
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    Centre number?

    oh ok, thanx guys :)
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    Centre number?

    hi guys im just wondering if every student has a particular centre number or is that a number that the school gives u on the day of the HSC, or do i require one myself? just making sure ta
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    Who else finds the countdown on the frontpage irritating?

    i dont find the countdown annoying at all, in fact it gives the whole wait a "dramatic" urge to it which is exhilirating :). In fact i remember when i first started counting down and telling every1 in my year, since 238 days to go :P ....well now its just 5 days, 9 hours and 48...
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    Difference between ALLELE and GENE

    ohhh i get it now, so an Allele is an alternative factor on a particular gene? thanx losa that made a lot more sense, thanx guys :)
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    Uniform or no Uniform to HSC

    i know this might sound like a sstupid question but do we have to wear our school uniform to the exam, or does it vary from school to school?? if so what will YOU be wearing?
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    Difference between ALLELE and GENE

    Can someone tell me wat the hell the difference between alleles and genes are, every single source has a different story. One text book says this, another text book contradicts it. ..........?????
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    Imaginative Journey - Essay Questions!

    i really hope we get a question as easy as last years one which was: "The arrival, not the journey, matters" And by the way LostAuzzie your question was exactly the same as mine :)
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    freaking out

    no need to panic lozzi, i assure you that most tudents will look at an 8 mark question like that and say "no way im doing this" or at least struggle with it, i know that i would because it is a fairly hard question. But if you put ur mind to it and plan your answer you will pick up ur pace and...
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    Heat of Combustion of Ethanols

    yes thankk u very much :)
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    Heat of Combustion of Ethanols

    "After you work out ΔH, you convert it to Joules per gram or per mole. " And how do u do that? for example you have water which is say 50ml, the temp change is 10C and u put it into the equation: H = 50 x 4.18 x 10 H = 2090 Joules per gram? now wat do u do?
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    Heat of Combustion of Ethanols

    i still dont get this crap, whats the whole aim of this experiment?? i have 4 text books on chemistry, i looked at hsc online, and i looked here, none have the bloody steps of what to do after u calculate the stupid H=mCT or watever. any1 out there with an answer ????????
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    Space Questions (plus answers)

    ah yeah, i get it now, u have to square everything in the brackets so u get 0.25c^2 and the c^2 cancel out and u get 0.25. lol silly question but o well i get it now :)
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    Space Questions (plus answers)

    tV = tO / √ (1- [v2 / c2 tV = tO / √ (1- [ {0.5c}2 / c2 ]) tV = tO / √ (1-0.25) ^ One thing i dont understand about that is why the 0.5 gets squared when the c^2 is cancelled out with the c^2 on the bottom so 0.5c^2/c^2 should be 0.5 therefore (1-(0.5) ) doesnt it? can someone...
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    im doing communication and im lovin it, its very interesting and YES were dissecting eyes tomorrow :) the topic is basically involved in how humans, animals and insects receive information and responde to it. How we receive information (eyes, ears, nose - smell etc) and how we respond to it...